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United Israel: “In the
Torah itself, this holy day
is never called Rosh
HaShanah. Rather it gets
a different name--Yom
Teru'ah, that is "day of the
blast." Teru'ah in Hebrew
refers to raising up a loud
noise, whether a shout or
the blast of the trumpet or
Shofar . . . There is, how-
ever, an association of this
day with a "trumpet," or
more properly, a "shofar,"
in Psalm 81. But notice
carefully, our
word TERU'AH also
occurs, in the very first
verse, here translated
"shout." It really means
to raise up a noise, and it
can be voices, instru-
ments, and of course the
piercing sound of the
“. . . The best clues to the
BIBLICAL meaning of this
day are found in
Psalm 80
& 81. .
. the connection
here to Joseph is amazing.
And to the redemption as
a whole. Judaism is surely
right to connect the sound
of the Shofar as a call to
the Tribes, and a call to all
humanity to awaken, a
call of judgment and it falls ten
days before Yom Kippur,
the Day of Covering, and
then leads into Sukkoth,
which seems to be a pic-
ture of the Kingdom of
dwelling in "booths" or
"huts," that is temporary
shelters, as in the days
when they were led out of
Egypt and had that inti-
mate, "face to face" rela-
tionship with YHVH.
“Each year this sequence
is pictured...this is the
"LAST" month of the holy
calendar, the SEVENTH
month (no festivals really
in months 8-12), so it
seems to picture somehow
the "end of history," but in
a mini-form, year by year
.... James D. Tabor
President, UIWU.”
End Quotes
The Feast of Trumpets is
indeed a call to all of us to
before the 1st
Trumpet begins to fully sound!
Revelation 8:1-13;
9:1-21; 10:7; 11:15-19.
This Festival also makes
known the
Day of Judg-
is now poised to begin
falling fully upon Israel and
the Church of God!
Realizing where we are in time
this Holy Day is now holding
even greater meaning than
ever—for it is also a time of
for the
dawning of a new age and of
the Kingdom of God to be
established by Jesus Christ at
the sounding of the 7th Trum-
pet! And all of us as God’s
people should realize this.
The terrible things we have
been witnessing with more
prophesied to come with even
greater ferocity— terrifying
times to follow— is leading in
short time to the
which will begin
taking place three and
one/half years before the
sounding of the 7 th trumpet.
The Great Tribulation
As has been explained by Mr.
Armstrong, this coming hor-
rific time will be Satan the
devil’s use of demonic influ-
enced human leaders to
display his great deadly anger
through them to destroy all of
the nations of Israel! And for
the most part prophecy reveals
his objective will be accom-
This will be a most terrible
time, such as never been
before, no, nor ever will again,
so said Jesus Christ
(Matthew 24:21; Daniel
This will be the time of
Jacob’s trouble
As God’s true people the
prophetic Scriptures in
kiel (6:11-14; 7:23-26)
strike enough godly
in each of us to try
Philadelphia Remnant Jul/Aug/Sept 2013