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to us for it pictures the time
when Satan will be bound and
mankind will cease their war-
fare and they will begin coming
to be AT-ONE-MENT with
each other in peace
Five days after the Day of
Atonement is another Festival
that also holds great meaning
for all of us as people of God.
The Feast
of Tabernacles
The Feast of Tabernacles
pictures the wonderful glorious
Millennial Reign of Jesus
Christ during which we, as
Firstfruits, are to be with Jesus
Christ as His Bride, will aid
Him in bringing true teachings
and peace to the survivors of
Then the LORD spoke to
Moses, saying, “Speak to
to the children of Israel,
saying, ‘In the 7th month,
on the 1st Day of the
Month, you shall have a
Sabbath, a memorial of
triumph, or shouting of
joy, with trumpets, a holy
23:23-24).’” Psalm 81:1-4.
A/C C. C. # 36
Then the LORD
spoke to Moses,
saying, “Speak to
the children of
Israel, saying: ‘The
15th Day of this 7th
Month shall be the
Feast of Tabernac-
les for Seven days
to the LORD. On
the 1st Day shall be
a Holy Convoca-
tion . . . you shall
keep it as a Feast
to the LORD for
Seven days in the
year. It shall be a
Statute forever in
your generations.
You shall celebrate it in
the 7th Month. You shall
dwell in booths for Seven
Days . .
.” Leviticus 23:33-
The Feast of Tabernacles is a
special time of being in the
invisible presence of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ and
have our minds refreshed with
its meaning and looking
beyond to its fulfilment.
It is also a period of time in
which there is great enjoyment
and fellowship with brethren
of like faith and belief in the
teachings of the Holy Scrip-
The Last Great Day
Memorial Day is observed each
year in this country. It is a day
that many people visit cem-
eteries and lovingly place
flowers on the graves of dearly
beloved family members not
realizing that God in heaven
above will remember and bring
them back to life in the Great
Resurrection that is to come
and made known in Scripture.
The LORD God further spoke
to Moses about this Last Great
Day, though attached to the
Feast of Tabernacles, it is
distinctly separate and apart
from it:
Philadelphia Remnant Jul/Aug/Sept 2013