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off until the following day, or the night of the FEAST--a more
appropriate time for visiting and fellowship.
Finally--REMEMBER to be extremely careful! As God's
minister I call upon all of you to PRAY for each other's safety.
I'm going to pray for YOU--and I want you to pray for ME, and all
of God's people. It seems, each year, we must be saddened to hear
of some accident, or mishap to one or two. DON"T LET IT HAPPEN
Some have perhaps assumed that nothing can happen to
God's people--that God will supernaturally intervene, no matter HOW
CARELESS WE GET! That is NOT true. It will be a terrible thing if
I am forced to announce that any of God's own called ones have been
injured or killed in a car wreck!
In closing--PLAN TO COME! You can't afford not to.
Let's all rejoice in this Holy Day season--and GROW in grace and
knowledge, spiritual ZEAL and strength, and in love of the
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong