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thousand-dollar bills, or thousands of five-pound notes, from
heaven--BUT THAT IS NOT GOD'S WAY. He allows you and me the
glorious privilege of having part in His own work! Today we do not
sacrifice lambs or animals--we give the sacrifice of PRAYER, and
make sacrifice of material wants that we may be honest with God's
TITHES, and generous in freewill offerings that His work may go
Is this a hardship? A thousand times NO!!! Listen to two
letters just received:
A man from Michigan writes: "Do you know how I get people
to tithe? I tell them to try it for a year, and if they lose
anything I will give them all they lose with interest. After a few
months they tell me: 'O, how much I have.' I have been doing this
for over 20 years and have never had to put my hand in my
pocketbook for anyone yet.' That is certainly a unique experience,
but it adds testimony to the way God does bless the tither
Here's another: "Enclosed is my tithe. It is funny how my
pay goes as far, less the 10%, as it did before. I find it very
easy now to put this away each week whereas before I just couldn't
see how I could do without it. When I first wrote, my wife had to
go to the doctor once a week and pay $15 for each visit. Suddenly
it seems God answered my prayer and the trips to the doctor are now
a thing of the past. So I have actually gained."
We have received hundreds and hundreds of letters from
honest tithe-payers telling how they get along better, financially,
since turning over God's first tenth of income to Him--or of raises
in salary--or of increase in income in various ways, so that the
nine-tenths is now more than the whole was before! If you want to
know what your Bible says about tithing, write for our free booklet
on tithing.
As usual, here we are at the time of month when God's Work
suffers from a falling off in tithes and offerings. When you put
tithes and offerings into God's work you are laying up treasure in
heaven! In just a few years your money will be WORTHLESS! When
the terrible punishments of God's PLAGUES in the coming Day of the
Lord fall, money, gold, silver, material wealth will avail NOTHING!
But those laying up treasures in heaven now will have GOD'S DIVINE
PROTECTION THEN! No plague shall come nigh OUR dwelling! More, if
we are faithful in our part in God's Work, obedient, not denying
His Word, He promises even to protect us from the coming Great
God's Work is FIRST in importance in our lives! Remember,
AIR MAIL gets it to us faster!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong