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although Mrs. Armstrong remained awake until 1:00 a.m. for a long
distance telephone call to Cologne, Germany, to talk to our son and
be sure they arrived back into "free" country safely. All mothers
will understand. But the main thing she was concerned about was
his safety, and on being assured of that, she hung up and went to
You will read what they learned in Berlin in the September
number of The Plain Truth. We were about a week too late to catch
the August issue.
Today's newspapers over Europe are full of the BIG NEWS of
Mr. Khrushchev's great 2-hour air show at Tushino Airdrome in
Moscow yesterday. Russia has unveiled startling new secret
supersonic jet bombers and giant helicopters. Half a million
Russians gasped and marvelled at what they saw. Yuri Gagarin was
there at Mr. Krushchev's side. The new giant bomber named the
Bounder, is larger than America's B-52, faster than sound--and may
soon be in scheduled passenger service, as well as military.
Papers in Europe are announcing that Russia is leaping
ahead of America in aviation as far 35 she is in space.
More and more, this Russian propaganda is going over, and
having a terrifying effect on western Europe. Mr. Khrushchev has
just announced an increase in military power and the Kremlin budget
for producing a vast army and vast military power. Russian
prestige mounts. United States prestige is being sunk deeper in
the mire. Western European nations have relied on United States
power to hold Russia off. Russia is right on their very borders.
Today these nations are losing faith in American power to
protect them. More and more the newspapers over here in Europe are
filled with statements of the URGENCY of a UNITED EUROPE.
Yesterday's Sunday Swedish and London newspapers carried feature
stories quoting Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Selwyn
Lloyd, to this effect. Actually, I do not expect the final
political perfecting of the coming prophesied 10-nation United
Europe for at least another 5 to 8 years. It will take some little
time to work out all the thousands of intricate details. But it is
Even 5 to 8 more years is mighty close! You may be sure
that this Berlin crisis, now fast developing, and to come to a head
by the end of this year, will have a decisive psychological effect
on it!
Never before have I realized so much the urgency of getting
on the air--or into Reader's Digest Scandinavian editions with our
two- and three-page Messages--to reach the peoples of Sweden,
Norway and Denmark.
You will find this next item hard to believe, but it's
true! A mother of a 19-year-old son and 21-year-old daughter here
in Stockholm said recently that she had been "rather annoyed" at
coming downstairs of a morning and seeing a pretty and strange girl
in a kimono in her kitchen. So, she said, she had asked her 19-