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broadcast did faithfully proclaim Christ's very own Gospel--THE
KINGDOM OF GOD--which will rule THE WORLD TOMORROW. The "magazine"
did proclaim fearlessly THE PLAIN TRUTH. After three years God
opened a second radio door--then a third, a fourth--then, through
the years, more and more. After some years The Plain Truth became
an 8-page printed magazine, issued six times a year. Then it went
to 12 pages, then 16, then 24--every month.
We did not make any request for money over the air. I
never took up collections in evangelistic meetings. There NEVER
WAS a subscription price to The Plain Truth---it never carried any
advertising. There never has been anything commercial about this
Work of God.
No wonder people are astonished! No wonder this work and
its methods seem STRANGE to some! But God was faithful--He kept
His promise. After 28 1/2 years, this has grown to a mighty world-
wide Work of God, broadcasting over the world's most powerful radio
stations into every continent--The Plain Truth published in three
editions simultaneously, in Los Angeles, London, and Melbourne--
beside the German edition printed here at Bricket Wood, England.
Does God miraculously rain down money from heaven, as He
once sent manna to Israel? No, God does work today through human
agencies. Somehow, He has laid it on the hearts of enough of the
poor of the land to start giving voluntarily--entirely of their own
volition and without solicitation, in spite of the fact the BIBLE
Message we preach corrects and reproves them continually. But NO
HUMAN on earth--no group, combination or organization of humans--
has any voice whatsoever in what we preach to the world. We seek
NOT to please MEN--but GOD!
Some years ago we began to realize the time was coming when
we must begin publishing something more than the booklets and
pamphlets. The first need was a different kind of BIBLE STORY--not
only for children, but for adults as well. Our ministry--so far--
had been forced to neglect the children. That situation cried out
for solution.
Most Bible-story books seemed to have no purpose other than
to compete with existing fiction of violence. They seemed to
contain only a group of entirely disconnected blood-and-thunder
stories of murder, violence, and seduction. They missed entirely
GOD'S MEANING. They failed to explain the real connection with the
Gospel of such incidents as Cain murdering Abel, the cataclysm of
the Flood, David slaying the giant Goliath, the seduction of
Samson, Daniel in the lions' den.
What was needed was a Bible Story book portraying the true
Bible meaning, and in even more thrilling and interesting form than
anything before--carrying God's own continuous story and
instruction in an interesting, understandable manner.
Many do not realize it, but there is a continuous story-
flow running all through the Bible. Most, who read the Bible at