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probably be little if any more than MUTUAL, and the new net-work
has advantages of pliability and wider range of latitude in
selecting the exact stations our purposes require. We can use a
very few stations at first, adding others as we are able. And
the new net-work is very friendly toward religious broadcasts!
This is a DIRECT ANSWER TO PRAYER! Just as existing
doors were closed, God has opened wide a BETTER ONE for our
Here, then, are the plans for carrying out the most
important commission in the world today! First, to get The PLAIN
TRUTH on a more regular and dependable basis. It has simply out-
grown the facilities of the printing company in Eugene, and due to
this and war-time difficulties, we have encountered delay after
delay. Plans have been made to have it printed, after the issue
now on the press, in Portland in a large establishment which
specializes in printing a number of magazines and trade-papers.
And we plan, God willing, to have it come out regularly, on a
definite date, monthly or bi-monthly, beginning with the next issue
after the current one.
I hope, also God willing, to add station WOV, New York,
within a few weeks. Then, at the earliest moment possible, super-
power WCAU, Philadelphia, one of the nation's leading stations.
Then, beginning the Fall and Winter season, to begin adding key
stations in principle population centers thru facilities of the new
A.B.C. net-work as rapidly as possible, until The WORLD TOMORROW is
heard locally EVERYWHERE!
Brethren, and Co-Workers, this opens before us a
marvelous opportunity! I have tried to be careful not to get ahead
of the Lord. But from the time He called us to this great mission,
He always has graciously gone before, and opened the way. And now
He has opened this new avenue--by far the largest yet--WE MUST
FOLLOW WHERE HE LEADS--We must not falter--we must not fail Him--
we must take advantage of this marvelous opportunity opened only
by the supernatural Hand of God! How grateful we are to our
heavenly Father for opening the opportunity!
The most THRILLING subject of this hour is
P R O P E C Y! Hundreds of letters from listeners and Co-Workers
indicate an intense interest in PROPHECY just now. In these tense
days of the greatest eruption of organized human wrath this world
has ever seen, it is indeed fascinating to see PROPHECY unfolding,
day by day!
None but the Eternal God can know, and reveal to us, the
FUTURE. God reveals this future, thru prophecy, as a WARNING! It
is important that we know what is GOING TO HAPPEN! We must act
And so in this BULLETIN I want to give our Co-Workers a
very brief, condensed outline of what is prophesied--FROM NOW! We
do not have paper on hand for a more complete exposition. But in