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My dear Co-Workers, do you realize that this very living
CHRIST is, right now, using YOU and me as HIS COLLECTIVE BODY
through which HE is shouting that dynamic and precious Message over
every continent around the world today?
Yes, the time is short, and getting daily shorter! This
world is hurtling to its END! If God Almighty was not going to
intervene, inside of the next fifteen years, and send Jesus Christ
again to this earth--only this time in ALL THE SUPREME POWER AND
GLORY OF GOD--to RULE THE WORLD WITH FORCE--I tell you solemnly, on
His authority, neither YOU nor I, nor a single human being, would
still be left alive on this earth! The great nations of this world
now have the destructive weapons to blast all human life out of
existence many times over!
GOD which Jesus Christ is directing through us--in thundering to
this world His last warning of the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD! Yet
the people in this world continue on, heedless of impending
colossal events, trading presents among themselves, but with NO
GIFTS FOR CHRIST, whose birthday they suppose they are celebrating!
Of course we know Christ was not born at this time of year--
Christmas started (under a different name) hundreds of years before
the birth of Christ as the birthday of Sol the SUN-god--as a
festival of pagan SUN-worship--as IDOLATRY!
Co-Workers, we are now coming down the homestretch in this
great WORK OF GOD. This work NEEDS, as never before, our PRAYERS,
our sacrifice, our loyalty, our utmost financial support.
Never has there been such serious and desperate need of your
most generous offerings, beside your honest tithes for GOD'S WORK.
But right now a SPECIAL PROBLEM has become a most serious
emergency. The time has come when l have to explain to you what it
This great Work of God, empowered by the mighty Holy Spirit
of God, has, for 29 years, grown steadily at the phenomenal rate of
30% a year. That means it doubles in size and scope and power
every two years and 7 1/2 months.
Here are the breath-taking, almost incredible FACTS:
Today this work, in every phase and department, is four
times bigger than it was just a little over five years ago. We
receive four times as many letters from radio listeners, and
readers of The Plain Truth, as we did then. We publish and send
out four times as much literature, to four times as many people, as
we did five years ago! We have four times as many students in
Ambassador Colleges. We are broadcasting on four times as many
radio stations--with four times as many watts of power.
Now what does all this mean? For one thing, it means
PROBLEMS! I have to face and meet them. And I need YOUR PRAYERS
I want to take you into my confidence, and let you know some