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new college campus to open in Texas next September. We do not plan
to erect any of the new college buildings during this present year,
but the pioneer students of that college will sort of "rough it"
with existing facilities the first school year. But preliminary
plans are now being laid for one of the most beautiful college
campuses in the world.
Also, a complete re-survey is now under way on our campus
here in Pasadena, and a "hard look" review of our Master Plan for
the ultimate campus here. We hope to have our campus in Pasadena
completed in five more years.
I suppose most of our Co-Workers know that the college
here started 15 1/2 years ago as perhaps the smallest in all
history--only FOUR students. There was one college building which
served as library, classroom building, assembly hall, music
studios. There was one smaller building for a few offices, and the
printing shop--very small in those days--and mailing room. Today
there are many buildings, and an approximately 30-acre campus, but
all are old existing and remodeled buildings. We are now, at last,
begin construction of additional NEW college buildings. The need
is desperate! We have completely outgrown existing facilities.
There are now over 400 students on this campus, and soon to be
expanded to 550.
I want to THANK all you dedicated Co-Workers who did send
in statements of intention for extra additional offerings for this
property and building fund. We are only HALF WAY to our direly-
needed goal, but that's a good start. THIS GREAT WORK CANNOT CARRY
ON WITHOUT the trained personnel being educated in our colleges.
Let me tell you something I think you may never have
realized! Although I doubt whether any student ever comes to
Ambassador College with the idea in mind that he is going to devote
the rest of his life full time in this work, after he graduates--
yet, with no more than five or six exceptions in all these 15 1/2
years, that is what has actually happened.
If a student comes here with the idea he is to be trained
to become an ordained minister, we will not admit him, until he
gets that notion out of his mind! God CHOOSES His ministers--men
cannot CHOOSE to be ministers. Only a small percent of our
students ever do become ordained ministers. But today we have, in
our offices all over this world, office managers and department
heads, and men and women in many capacities other than ministers,
serving IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS in this large and fast-growing Work of
God. All but some five or six of our graduates are STILL IN THIS
VITAL WORK, filling important posts. And I cannot think, at the
moment, of a single girl who has graduated from Ambassador who, if
she has not married, is not on our staff full time serving in
important functions. Some are in Australia, some in England, some
in Texas.
So, even though we did not plan it that way--even though
incoming students never expected anything of the sort--in actual