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God had Moses ask God's own people, Israel, for contributions. God
had the Apostle Paul ask those in HIS CHURCH for tithes and for
contributions--BUT NEVER THE PUBLIC. When people send in
contributions of a dollar or more TWICE inside of six months, then
we assume their heart is in this Work with us--for Jesus said that
where one's treasure is, there his heart is also. So, at that
point, we do send them--as we once did to you--a letter saying we
are putting them on our special Co-Worker list, to receive these
letters from me every month.
I'm sure you'll want to make very SPECIAL sacrifice and
effort for a few months to help me finance the big cost of this
book. It is getting out Christ's GOSPEL in a NEW WAY right now--
perhaps the MOST EFFECTIVE WAY we have ever known. And it will, in
a matter of months, bring in a few thousand additional Co-Workers
to HELP us pay these costs so that we may CONTINUE to GIVE the
Gospel FREE to the public!
Let me know what you think of the book when you get it.
And HURRY your current offering, to help in this additional
God is surely blessing His Work--and I know He is
blessing YOU!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong