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with them--they might even be shot. They will be listening--and
watching--again on Friday evening at 6:00--and every Wednesday and
Friday evening--to the precious Message of Jesus Christ in
atheistic Red China! This same thing is going on in thousands of
other mainland Chinese homes: TWICE EVERY WEEK! Did you realize
Over on Formosa--in Nationalist FREE China--many thousands
tune in every Wednesday and Friday evening at the prime listening
time of 6:00 p.m. to the FIVE stations in various parts of the
island, on the Radio Taiwan Network. Did you realize it? Your
tithes and offerings help reach these soul-hungry people with
Christ's heart-warming Message of HOPE and offer of ETERNAL LIFE!
Yes, YOU are helping do this!
And did you fully realize it? Over the Philippine Islands,
the national Network of EIGHT STATIONS thunders this same dynamic
Message to all parts of the Islands weekly--and the giant 50,000-
watt Manila station, DZAQ, at the most-powerful dial spot of 620,
covers the vast population EVERY NIGHT--seven nights a week--at the
PRIME listening time of 8:30 p.m.
Not only that, Christ's irresistible Message goes out every
month also in a large-size FULL PAGE of advertising space in the
leading Philippine magazine--the Philippine counterpart of LIFE
magazine in the U.S.A.
And to receive the constant heavy response of mail asking for
The PLAIN TRUTH and free literature, we maintain a well-staffed
office in Manila, serving in a personal way many thousands all over
the Philippines. We even have two ordained ministers stationed
there to counsel with people who request it, baptize those who
repent and believe, and give personal spiritual help. Did you
realize this?
Let's drop on down to Australia, while we're over in that
far-flung part of the world. The Australian continent is about the
size of the United States. Our interest-arousing, God-sent,
Christ-empowered Message BLANKETS the continent of Australia on 28
radio stations--nearly all of them thundering Christ's compelling
Message out SIX NIGHTS A WEEK! Also we have just made a break-
through into New Zealand, now starting on New Zealand radio
stations. The very heavy mail response from all parts of
Australia. Tasmania and New Zealand, "down under," is received,
and quickly answered, from our large suite of offices in North
Sydney, staffed with nearly 50 trained staff members. A number of
ordained ministers--graduates of Ambassador College--are stationed
in Australia. Many in Australia are being baptized--converted--
brought into God's Kingdom. Many Australian students are in
residence at Ambassador College in England, and the college in
Pasadena--some of whom we feel sure will become ordained ministers.
Did you ever take time to really STUDY the big three-page
Radio Log in The PLAIN TRUTH? Have you noticed how it has grown--
now filling three pages--now 'way over 200 stations, many of them
superpower top-ranking prestige stations! Most of them broadcast