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people. It was in the worst of the Great Depression. They were
able to contribute just barely more than HALF the cost of
broadcasting. We trusted God for the other half, ON FAITH. And
God answered our faith--WITHOUT BEGGING CONTRIBUTIONS on the air!
There was no money to publish a magazine. Yet I knew a
magazine was needed. Ever since early 1927 I had hoped to start a
magazine called The PLAIN TRUTH! By myself, I could not! But a
few of these Co-Workers managed to put in an extra $5. I purchased
mimeograph stencils, paper, and postage stamps. I borrowed the use
of a typewriter and a mimeograph. I offered The PLAIN TRUTH, on
the broadcast, FREE. With our COMBINED efforts--about 15
Co-Workers and myself--about 150 copies of a homemade mimeographed
PLAIN TRUTH were mailed out, February 1!
without any Co-Workers, I was able to preach to FORTY PEOPLE!
That's ALL! 40!!! But, with some 15 Co-Workers adding their
earnest PRAYERS, putting their hearts into it, and their small
tithes and offerings, TOGETHER we were now preaching to at least A
THOUSAND people over the air, and reaching another 150 with a small
homemade magazine!
I, myself, an ordained minister--(I had been ordained in
June, 1931)--had been able to PREACH THE GOSPEL to ONLY 40 people!
But now, the help of Co-Workers made it possible for ALL 16 of us
to preach to at least 1000 people. Subtract the 40 I could preach
to ALONE--and THEIR PART in the Work meant that THEY were getting
the Gospel preached to an additional 960 people. On the average,
every one of them was responsible for getting the Gospel to 64
Each CO-WORKER was, in effect, preaching to 64 people. I,
an ordained minister, alone, had been preaching to only 40! You
see, then, how the PRAYERS and OFFERINGS of these few Co-Workers
each was responsible for PREACHING THE GOSPEL to 60% more people
than I could alone!
Well, TODAY, in this same way, EVERY Co-Worker--and that
means YOU --is actually responsible for preaching the Gospel to
approximately 615 people! And ALSO that includes about 25 people
who read The PLAIN TRUTH! Averaging it out, YOU are paying for
subscriptions to The PLAIN TRUTH reaching about 25 people, and ALSO
YOU are preaching to about 615 people EVERY WEEK--52 weeks a year
--BESIDE also having a part in putting students through Ambassador
College, training more ministers and trained personnel for this
rapidly growing WORLD-WIDE Work of God!
THAT'S how YOU are actually proclaiming the Gospel right
now--PREPARING THE WAY for Christ's coming--PREPARING A PEOPLE for
His coming--CHANGING LIVES! This past year, SEVERAL THOUSAND
precious lives have been converted and baptized through this Work!
Alone, I was able to preach Christ's Gospel to 40 people!
TODAY, Co-Workers have increased that to some 45 MILLION people