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personal service in this wonderful Work of God. Every week they
listen eagerly to many letters from those of you who are making
their education possible--ALL IN ADDITION TO preaching the Gospel
to SO MANY HUNDREDS every week! Let me tell you, my dear
Co-Worker, THEY PRAY EARNESTLY FOR YOU, and are grateful that YOU
are praying for THEM and for this Work!
The United States Government is pouring $26 MILLION per DAY
into the war in Vietnam--of TAXPAYERS' MONEY! That's Dart YOUR
money! Yet the money spent for this great WORK OF GOD for a whole
Year falls far short of that! We fight, not to take human lives,
but to SAVE THEM! We don't oppose the government's policies, nor
support them--but I think you'll REJOICE with me that WE, with our
comparative LITTLE, make these dollars reach SO FAR, and accomplish
TIME IS GROWING SHORT! It's possible we may have no more
than another five years to FINISH this Work of God!
THIS year we must work harder than ever! YOU, as only ONE
Co-Worker, are preaching Christ's Gospel to approximately 615
people EVERY WEEK, beside paying for PLAIN TRUTH subscriptions for
others, and helping put dedicated young people through college!
And, if you are faithful--if you are LED by God's Holy
Spirit, if you remain fervent in prayer, if you OVERCOME, and GROW
spiritually--YOU shall have a PART in God's Kingdom far more
important than being President of the United States--far more
important than ANY position ever held by ANY human on this earth!
Yes, WHAT a privilege.
Now need I tell you there is a LETDOWN after the Christmas
rush? A very few Co-Workers misunderstood my last letter. I did
not say, nor mean to imply that ALL our Co-Workers were spending
lavishly for Christmas presents, and neglecting CHRIST. After all,
it does take many HUNDREDS of Co-Workers to push forward this Work
today. And though many were NOT neglecting the Work, MANY OTHERS
were! Some say they send in tithes and offerings continually,
WITHOUT being reminded in these letters. But HUNDREDS of other
Co-Workers do neglect or forget to send in UNLESS I remind them--
and many REQUEST these reminders every month. You are just ONE of
many Co-Workers, yet in this letter I have tried to show you HOW
VERY, VERY IMPORTANT is YOUR part, even if only ONE!!
So this year let's pray more earnestly than ever! Let's
keep the Work GOING--and don't forget--those who are able--LOANS
are always needed. And whether you realize it or not, I need you
to pray for me, and my wife, personally--and Garner Ted also.
THANK YOU for it!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong