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fraction of the expense. It is by far the MOST INEXPENSIVE WAY TO
ALL RIGHT! Now by ALL MEANS we should take advantage of
this wonderful opportunity. It would be UNTHINKABLE to just pass
up such a glorious opportunity which God has opened to us for His
Work! And yet, frankly, I am simply not in position to take
advantage of this marvelous offer, unless you dear Co-Workers will
respond AT ONCE to the call, and make it possible. I had outlined
plans for the growth of the work this year. Those plans included
going on station WJJD, the nations most powerful independent
station, in Chicago, within another four to six weeks, starting out
with a DAILY broadcast for the first two months; then later adding
the super-power WHAS, Louisville, and KWKH, Shreveport, and a
strong New York station later thru the year. None of these will
cost as much as this BEST Sunday evening time on the 150,000-watt
XEG, and of course none would reach as many people. XEG costs more
than I feel it would be safe for me to undertake to shoulder, even
on FAITH, at this time without some extra assurance of a reasonably
substantial increase in tithes and offerings received with which to
pay the bills, especially since I am still shouldering the heavy
burden of increased expense of XELO.
Now we cannot consider dropping any present station in
order to go on XEG, because we have developed ESTABLISHED AUDIENCES
on all these stations, who simply DEPEND on our program, and
thousands are under conviction, coming to conversion and salvation.
Moreover, we would have to drop at least THREE of these established
stations to save enough money to go on XEG, and that is
unthinkable. So, after careful study and prayer, I see there is
just one way we can take advantage of this marvelous opportunity.
There is a time to plunge on FAITH, trusting God alone. I felt God
made it plain to me, last Fall, that the time had come to do
that---that it was God's will---that He would back me in it. I
went ahead, and He did. But, again, there is a time when we can
attempt too much and it becomes TEMPTING THE LORD, instead of sound
and wise FAITH. Frankly, I feel this is too large a financial
obligation for me to undertake without some further assurance from
our Co-Workers---and I don't want to mis-apply faith and just
"tempt the Lord." I have prayed for wisdom. I know God would
never have opened this wonderful opportunity, if He had not wanted
us to take advantage of it. I KNOW He wants His Message to go out
to more and more people. But after praying earnestly for wisdom,
FAMILY OF CO-WORKERS, and ask you to EACH ONE make just a little
further sacrifice, and INCREASE the amount of weekly or monthly
offering, or tithes, that you have been sending for God's work, so
we may send God's precious Message to this additional million
I feel God would have you, dear Co-Workers, share this
added responsibility with me, before I undertake it. It means
another 25% or 30% increase in our expenses, which I cannot meet
unless there is a corresponding increase in INCOME.
Now OTHERS want this time. Time is at a premium on all
radio stations. Everybody is trying to buy time. Radio stations