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a Magazine of Understanding
BOX 111, Pasadena, Calif. 91109
June 21, 1967
Dear Friend and PLAIN TRUTH Subscriber:
I wanted personally to write you earlier this month. But
the Arab-Israeli War changed all my plans -- and I am remaining in
England, on our Ambassador College campus here, awaiting the
arrival of an official of the Jordan Government with whom I have a
conference arranged.
I had intended to fly back to Pasadena yesterday. But the
flash war in the Middle East is of SUPREME IMPORTANCE to YOU -- to
me -- to all PLAIN TRUTH subscribers. And I WANTED TO TELL YOU
Frankly, as conditions are now, I shall have to make this
letter much more brief than my Semi-Annual personal letters to our
subscribers usually are -- so I can yet today telephone this letter
by radio to our World Headquarters at Pasadena, where it will be
typed and mailed direct to you.
These quickening, accelerating world disturbances are
striking close to me, personally. They are forcing me to realize
how REAL are these world troubles. They show the END of this world
is fast swooping down upon us! The time has come to AWAKE to the
seriousness of recent world trends!
Two months ago, I was in Jerusalem -- the old city in
Jordan -- and in Amman, capital of Jordan, in conference with
government officials there. I knew then from Biblical prophecies,
that the Jews were going to flood over the "no-man's land" barrier
between the Israeli and Arab sectors of Jerusalem. I detected,
too, that the Jordanian officials expected it. Stopping off at our
College campus here in England, returning to Pasadena, I spoke
before an assembly of several hundred at the College. I said then
that I expected this war inside of about a month. You have, of
course, read what I said then as it was tape-recorded in the
Editorial, page 3, the June PLAIN TRUTH.
But first, on leaving Jerusalem and Amman, I stopped off
at Nicosia, Cyprus, where we were opening a new branch office. On
Sunday morning, April 23, I went to the airport to board a plane
for London. The plane was about four hours late in taking off.
They didn't tell us why. We made a stop at Athens, and there I
learned the reason. Just after midnight that morning, there had
very recent world TROUBLE SPOT. And now, since then, comes the
explosion of the first hydrogen bomb by Red China.
I was due back in Jerusalem, Jordan to put on the very
first broadcast of Christ's true Gospel from Jerusalem in