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office, or to me, explaining the need, we will do all in our power
to accommodate you or help any way we can.
But if you feel YOU CAN'T send in your loan with that
stipulation, but could loan it subject to demand at any time, send
it in, for it will HELP! It will simply help us MUCH MORE if you
do make this stipulation, and STILL MORE if you can give it
outright as a donation.
To those of you who have helped the Work by loans, I want
to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your confidence, your
interest and your great help. At the same time, in the interests
of the Work itself, let me repeat: MONEY LOANED DOES HELP, BUT IT
possibly can, then give outright as much as you are able -- but if
you have a sum on hand you simply are UNABLE to give outright at
this time, but could let it be working in the meantime under the
direction of the living Christ in His Work, then send it as a loan.
The need will be far greater this year than ever before.
So I have made this frank explanation to you. I had other things
I wanted to say -- but I shall have to hold them till next time --
and will get to work on that new magazine you will be receiving as
soon as we can get it started.
You are having PART in the most important activity on earth
today. Our living HEAD of the Work, Jesus Christ, is speeding His
Work forward as never before. Let us be thankful, rejoice, and TRY
HARDER to help. Let us PRAY MORE EARNESTLY for the Work. THANK
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong