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A personal letter to all the brethren
of The Churches of God, from your pastor,
co-laborer, and fellow-servant in Christ,
Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene
Number 3
October 3, 1945
Dear Brethren:
I feel most of you will want to hear about little
Larry's condition, and how we finally came out on expenses for the
Feast of Tabernacles.
By Sunday Larry appeared to have turned decidedly for
the better. Early morning his temperature was about half-degree
subnormal, and for a while we were a little concerned about that,
but by 10 or 11 o'clock it was back up a fraction above normal,
and he was taking nourishment---potassium broth made from non-
starch vegetables, carrot-juice (raw), and whole grain oatmeal
gruel, in addition to orange juice and water.
So after waiting out at Belknap until this report to
decide about taking the trip to Crater Lake, we decided to go.
Only our car made the trip, but with me were Sister Smith and
daughter Mildred, Myra Carter, my mother and my brother Dwight.
We saw the reflection of the sunset mirrored up from Crater Lake,
just as we were leaving. It was magnificent. All who went feel
that next year we must devote one whole day to a trip to Crater
Lake for everyone. It is a very impressive sermon, if viewed
We arrived at our home in Eugene at 10:PM. Little
Larry's face had filled out so much in two days since I had seen
him, he didn't look like the same baby. Brother Kiesz came in
just as we were unloading our car, and I was with him till he left
by bus about 12:30.
Larry has continued to improve in strength, and to gain
in flesh, though his fever returned Monday, and was even higher
Tuesday, reaching almost 103 again---as high as it has been at any
time, but beginning to drop again in the evening as I now write.
There is some possibility it may by typhoid, but we are not certain
yet. We are continuing to feed him as above, in a manner that will
not increase his fever or prevent elimination of toxins, but
sufficient to build up his strength gradually. I feel certain that
this whole case will come to a sudden complete healing, at any
time. It seems, as I have said, that always God permits us to be
under some "present trouble." Usually we are having to pass
through some one or two trials or troubles at all times. Always
it seems like this "present trouble" is one God is doing nothing
about---all physical and material circumstances, will make it
appear that our prayers are not heard. Then all of a sudden, the
trouble just seems to melt into thin air. Every such trial we have