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June 29, 1969
Dear Brethren and Co-Heirs with Christ:
I am writing from 39,000 feet up in the air, returning from
I have just finished writing my Personal article for the
August TOMORROW'S WORLD. I want to include in this letter a part
of what I wrote in it -- but only a PART, so be sure to read it
when the next TOMORROW'S WORLD arrives.
In it is a most important question that had come to mind,
which inspired this Personal. It relates to the HOUSE FOR GOD
which Solomon built. And it relates also to the HOUSE FOR GOD we
hope we may be allowed to build, NOW, at Pasadena Headquarters. A
most important question had come to mind. It is this:
What is the GREATEST SIN that anyone could possibly
commit? The most terrible sin of all is probably the very last one
most people would name. Of course, I have known what this supreme
sin is for many years. But the seriousness of it was indelibly
impressed on my mind as I was reading in I Chronicles 29, in the
Fenton translation.
It was 3,000 years ago. David was King over Israel in
Jerusalem. It was in the heart of David to build a HOUSE FOR GOD
at Jerusalem. God said to David that he did well in desiring to
build the Temple. But, because he had been a man of war and had
killed many, David was not allowed to build it. God decreed
Solomon should build it, after David's death.
Nevertheless, David was allowed to make great preparations
for its construction before he died. It was not to be any ordinary
building. This was to be a HOUSE FOR GOD at His earthly
Headquarters! It had to HONOR the Great God! Undoubtedly it was
by far the finest, costliest, most glorified structure ever built
by man.
David said of Solomon: "Solomon my son is young and
tender, and the HOUSE that is to be builded FOR THE ETERNAL must be
exceedingly magnificent, of fame and of glory throughout all
countries. . . . So David prepared abundantly before his death" (I
Chronicles 22:5).
David sent out a request to God's people Israel (the
CHURCH of that time), for them to contribute for the building of
the Temple.
Now as you know, lt has been in my heart, in our day, to