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April 17. 1970
Dear Brethren in God's Church:
Words cannot express the gratitude, and the sense of
encouragement and inspiration I have experienced at the response of
God's people to my letter of March 30th.
God surely does have a people for His name, whose hearts are
in His Work -- who are willing when necessary to make real personal
sacrifice for the Work.
It was a very painful duty to have to call on you for this
emergency financial sacrifice. But nothing could have been more
reassuring and encouraging than your generous response.
We had, before writing the letter, trimmed down on
expenditures for the Work sufficient to bring outgo within normal
income. But many of the cuts we made on the budget cannot take
effect for 30, 60, and 90 days. Meanwhile, cash reserves were not
enough to bridge the gap. From the first few days' returns it
appears the response will save the Work -- provided those who have
not YET responded (and are able to) are heard from in the next week
or so.
Every year approximately 45% of the year's income is received
the first six months, and 55% the last six. But expenditures have
to be met approximately 55% the first half of the year, and 45% the
last. But the general financial recession and tight money
situation in the United States and Canada over the past year and a
half had reduced income until we did not have the cash reserves we
previously had to tide us over the first six months of this year.
It is still going to be a very tight squeeze to get through
this year successfully. But if we all remain faithful, and put the
Work of God FIRST, ahead of personal pleasures, wants and desires,
we will make it, and be ready for the final BIG HOME STRETCH DRIVE
of the entire Work during 1971.
Brethren, we MUST realize world conditions are WORSENING,
fast. Crime, violence, immorality, drug addiction, breakup of home
and family life -- all these EVILS are increasing at a most
frightening accelerated pace. The final GREAT TRIBULATION is now
just around the corner. I am SOBERED, as we approach the Passover,
to realize we MAY be allowed to have just ONE MORE Passover after
this one until we are taken to some place of safety from the coming
Great Tribulation. This is a time to keep closer to our God
through prayer and Bible study than ever before. It is the time to
put God's Work FIRST ahead of everything. Remember, we cannot set
dates for the temporary end of this Work (it will continue all