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SMALLEST college in America, and perhaps the LEAST in financial
But today, if we were ranked among America's largest
industrial corporations, we would rank in size of operations within
the top 800! When you consider our complete worldwide operations
-- of the educational EXTENSION PROGRAM -- Ambassador College would
rank within the top TEN of American colleges and universities!
We are reaching with powerful IMPACT, approximately A HUNDRED AND
FIFTY MILLION people all over the world! This great Work, in
which YOU are a valuable Co-Worker, is today the MOST POWERFUL
From the Texas campus, I shall fly on to the English campus
for the opening of the college year there -- and then on around
the world once more, for some very momentous personal conferences
with various world leaders. Among these is another conference
with Prime Minister Sato of Japan. I will have more to tell you
along the way.
Meanwhile we are formulating BIG PLANS for stepping up the
Work with increasing momentum. All signs in the world show that
time is getting VERY SHORT. Yet a TREMENDOUS job must yet be done.
We need your earnest and prevailing prayers as never before.
There IS a devil! He is REAL. He has continually struck at this
Work. Recently he has struck at me and Garner Ted Armstrong
PERSONALLY. God has providentially delivered us. But we
personally NEED YOUR URGENT and most intensive PRAYERS constantly!
We may be able to come out, shortly with a FULL HOUR
television program! We need YOU to HOLD UP OUR HANDS. We are
giving of OUR UTMOST. We need YOU to do the same. YOUR PART is
far more important than you know -- and it is producing far greater
results than you realize! FOR ALL ETERNITY! THANK YOU for your
faithfulness and sacrifice. And we should all thank God for the
great PRIVILEGE of having part in His great Work. I do!
With sincere love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong