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advertising space we are purchasing in the world's largest mass
circulation magazines.
We are not only rejoicing in gratitude, we are also filled
with dynamic enthusiasm and dedication to put NEW LIFE into God's
Work -- new life I know GOD is giving us!
Brethren, the past ten months has been the most terrible
and painful trauma I have ever suffered -- and that in my 80th
year. It's been like being under a heavy cloud. But God's Work
has had to have leadership, and no matter how discouraging it has
seemed, I have had to keep right on the firing line, ENCOURAGING
others, tackling additional tasks and responsibilities, driving
myself on and on, and at the same time finding more time for
prayer than before. No matter how deep this trauma I knew that
God is on His throne, and Christ promised He would never leave
nor forsake us or His Work, and my faith never wavered, though
my spirits could not be those of rejoicing.
But WHAT A LIFT this day has been for all of us! Now there
Brethren, I want you to know also how much we are aware
of your loyalty, your faithfulness and your very REAL sacrifices
financially for God's Work, and especially your generous response
and sacrifice to my special and urgent appeal 2 1/4 years ago. But
I have to tell you now that the Work needs your financial sacrifice
even more than 2 1/4 years ago. It is VERY discouraging to me to
have to tell you this -- but it is GOD'S WORK, not mine or Ted's --
and the Work demands it. For the past two or three months, because
of these persecutions, knowing enemies would use it against us in
their efforts to destroy the very Work of the living God, I have
refrained from telling you of the financial condition of the Work,
or the serious financial need.
First, let me assure you the Work is NOT in the plight its
enemies are exaggerating -- on its last legs, just about to fold
up. But this has been a GROWING Work for 38 years. By its very
nature it MUST grow and go forward or start going backward. For
years -- up until about three or four years ago -- it grew at the
rate of 30% each year. Based on indications last November and
December, we set the 1972 budget at about 15% increase over 1971.
But, partly due to the fact that I have made no urgent
requests for financial support these past few months, the increase
in income is falling far short of that. Our enemies would have
people believe the income for the Work has fallen almost completely
off. On the contrary, the income is showing an INCREASE over last
year, but far short of a 15% increase. We have, in the past two
or three months, made several cuts in the budget, but we CANNOT
make more without severely crippling the Work -- cutting off more
radio stations, cutting The PLAIN TRUTH down again to every other
month, and other cutbacks that seriously would cripple the Work.
I cannot longer delay telling you that we now face a
crisis even more serious than we faced at the end of February,