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has come of Him. We are only giving OF HIS OWN to this special
building fund.
Remember, God's outstandingly beautiful House is already
more than half finished. The work on it is going forward, with
more than 100 men on the job, continually. We cannot turn back --
we are obligated to PAY FOR IT! Added to what we already had from
the Building Fund on hand, God gave us favor in the eyes of our
bankers, and of large insurance companies to make large-scale and
long-term loans to provide 100% financing. Did you ever hear of
such a thing before?
Incidentally, when our bank made the first moderate-sized
loan to us, we were NOT then in good and sound financial condition.
The officer at the bank who approved and obtained approval of the
loan committee at the bank did it in sheer FAITH in us. God
blesses those that bless His Work. That man was in a rather low
position at the bank then, comparatively. Do you know where he is
now? AT THE VERY TOP -- Chairman of the Board! Whether he
realizes it or not, the living God blessed him! We have never let
him down. WE WON'T NOW! But this was MAJOR financing --
multi-million dollars -- for God's House. The loans are long-term.
We shall have to continue making payments of $200,000 per month
long after the splendid edifice is completed. We should not have
to take funds from getting THE GOSPEL to the world to make these
monthly payments.
Therefore, IF you take money from your tithes or regular
offerings for the GOSPEL WORK, and earmark it for the BUILDING
FUND, then the GOSPEL WORK suffers -- we have to cut off radio or
TV stations, or reduce The PLAIN TRUTH circulation, or the
Correspondence Course.
So BE SURE that your offerings for the Building Fund are
over and above tithes and regular offerings.
At present, the indication is that GOD'S SUPERB HOUSE will
be completed about February or March next year -- 1974. God looks
down from heaven and is watching what we are doing, in the progress
of HIS HOUSE. In the Moffatt translation of the Bible, we read:
"The Eternal looks down from heaven, beholding all mankind. From
where He sits, He scans all who inhabit the world; He who also made
their minds, He notes all they do....the Eternal's eye rests on His
worshippers, who rest their hopes upon His kindness,..." (Psalm
33:13-18 -- Moffatt translation.)
The living Christ is WATCHING this construction -- and He
is PLEASED. He is WATCHING you and me, taking note of our part in
it. He realizes this magnificent edifice is the product of MANY
OF HIS OWN PEOPLE -- as offering to our God, and to glorify His
name -- and HE IS PLEASED! I'm sure you realize this fine project
cannot be put in the category of an ordinary college building --
An actual photograph of this very outstanding edifice is on
the front cover of The GOOD NEWS, as this House of God appears as
of NOW -- covered all around with scaffolding.