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in Philadelphia in September, 1787, took considerable time and effort
to draft the United States Constitution. He also told them of my
worldwide work building bridges between nations and peoples, etc.
I followed by mentioning that I had attended the entire San Francisco
Convention where the Charter for the United Nations was drafted, as
well as the first meeting of the Security Council in New York. I
emphasized the difficulties they face in starting a new nation and
new government in today's world with governments of nations
crumbling at the rate of one a month. I then explained how this
whole confused world--chaos in government--as well as in all society
worldwide--had started at the incident of the forbidden fruit. How
angels had first inhabited the earth--rejected God's government based
on God's law of LOVE and turned to the way of life of "GET" instead of
God's way of "GIVE" or LOVE. How Adam and Eve had disbelieved God,
believed Satan's deceptive lies, took to themselves the knowledge of
right and wrong, rejected the government of God and cut themselves
and their posterity (all mankind) off from God.
Whereupon God adopted the "hands off" policy toward humanity for
6,000 years. Now man had been left to devise HIS OWN government,
HIS OWN religion, educational system, commerce and industry and total
society and way of living.
Today's world with its scores of varied man-made governments and
all this world's evils was the result. I explained how God knew that,
left to himself, MAN would within 6,000 years DESTROY HIMSELF--and
that we have reached the very LAST GENERATION of this present evil
world. For the first time in human history the weapons of mass
destruction exist that can erase all human life from this earth--
UNLESS Almighty God intervenes to save us from ourselves. How God
reserved to Himself the right to intervene if and when necessary for
I mentioned how God had intervened in the case of Abraham, Moses
and the ancient nation Israel; Christ and the church. How Christ's
gospel was the ANNOUNCEMENT of the restoration of the GOVERNMENT OF
GOD to bring the world peace and happiness--but how they put Him to
death and suppressed His gospel ANNOUNCEMENT of the KINGDOM OF GOD
before the end of the first century. The world went on ignorant of
God and His WAYS.
Today we approach the END of the 6,000 years and of this
civilization. We have reached the last GENERATION--the very GENERATION
in which the nations would destroy all humanity IN NUCLEAR WAR--
unless God intervenes to save humanity ALIVE. He raised me up for
the purpose ONCE AGAIN in THIS FINAL GENERATION of getting out the
Then I said, "You gentlemen are faced with the solemn task of
trying to hammer out another NEW government in the kind of world we
live in today. In such a world you have to deal with other nations,
and you will not be able to form a government based on GOD'S LAW,
for you would be a lamb among wolves. But you CAN try to form a
government that gives equal justice, opportunity, protection and
concern for the WELFARE of your own people in your domestic policies.
And the nearer you can come to forming foreign policies and pursuing