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President and Pastor
May 16, 1977
Dear Brethren of God's Church,
This may be the MOST IMPORTANT letter I have ever written.
First, I want to THANK YOU with a grateful-filled, yet gravely
concerned heart for your wonderful and generous response to Garner
Ted's appeal for a large SPECIAL offering a week ago. It HELPED
TREMENDOUSLY. Again it proved, as Ted said in his letter read in
all the churches, that we are GOD'S Church--one close, loving family.
Also that all of us are poised to do whatever we can for the
sake and continuance of this vitally important work and we must
realize that this work IS more important TO GOD than anything else
in the entire UNIVERSE right now!
Yet, gratifying as your response to that one SPECIAL offering
was, this is a great worldwide work that requires expenditures of
large sums WEEK BY WEEK to keep it going.
I am now going to have to ask you to do MUCH MORE than that
splendid special offering. And that is to GO TO YOUR KNEES and
which has been requested for this coming Sabbath--even CONTINUOUS,
or at least REPEATED and frequent FASTING with fervent, INTENSE,
desperate appeals to God to come to the rescue of His Work, even with
It is just that serious!
Let me give you the concrete FACTS.
I have just returned from the Big Sandy (Texas) campus
graduation. I have not been able to go to Big Sandy but rarely--I
think a year ago was the last time--and what I saw there was a real
eye-opener. Attending graduation exercises were two or three bank
presidents, presidents and vice presidents of other colleges in east
Texas; important business men, multi-millionaire oil men. Several
of these--the most important men in east Texas, congratulated me on
the fact that Ambassador College at Big Sandy has given all of east
Texas a new cultural awakening--and made a tremendous uplift in the
morale and the uplifted life of the whole area.
But it made me sick at heart--my heart literally ached to
realize that the financial situation may probably cause the closure
of Ambassador College, Big Sandy. This college has earned and now
has the enthusiastic goodwill and praise of the whole section--within
an area of at least a 100-mile diameter. Pray with me God will send
a MIRACLE to prevent it.