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The time has come when our co-workers, all a vital PART of
this work, must realize that our calling is something vastly
DIFFERENT---no ordinary church work---but the most serious,
momentous, important work on earth today! We must all take it
just that seriously---solemnly, reverently! God give us eyes to
see! God grant us UNDERSTANDING, now!
ALL ORGANIZATIONS OF THIS WORLD---including all religious
organizations, the businesses, the societies, the clubs---even the
GOVERNMENTS---shall soon pass out of existence forever! They have
but a few more years to live---perhaps seven, perhaps fifteen or
twenty-five! They are plunging now toward a self-imposed DOOM!
Organized society is committing SUICIDE! It has invented now at
last the horrible unbelievable weapons and instrumentalities of
destruction capable of blasting human life utterly from this earth!
But God Almighty will intervene, and save humanity from
itself! Humanity will not be annihilated out of existence---but
ORGANIZED society, business, religion, education, and government
will! This is pictured in the prophecy of Daniel 2---the coming
of CHRIST, and the KINGDOM OF GOD will smash all these governments
and organizations of this world to bits, and it, GOD'S KINGDOM, and
His ways, shall rule this earth forever!
Frankly, I'm afraid most of you have not fully and clearly
recognized just what this work is---precisely what really IS our
calling and our mission! We are called, and functioning, as the
ADVANCE-AGENTS of the coming WORLD government---the Kingdom of God,
which shall destroy all this world's organizations and rule in
their stead FOREVER! We are AMBASSADORS for Christ! Ambassadors
of HIS coming government, working as strangers and pilgrims in a
foreign land. This work to which God has called us is, therefore,
a preliminary and advance function of the world-ruling, everlasting
And therefore, tho the time is shortly coming when this
work will, we know, be temporarily SILENCED by the powers of
darkness of this world, we shall continue on, forever, long after
every government and organization of this world has been eternally
And what is our tremendous mission! Do you know? Do you
grasp it?
LISTEN! Our mission, first of all, is to preach CHRIST'S
GOSPEL---the Message He brought to earth from God---the Message He
commissioned all His true ministers to preach throughout this
dispensation of grace---the VERY MESSAGE THE ORGANIZED CHURCH
DENOMINATIONS REJECT!---the only TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ, the
Good News of the coming world-ruling KINGDOM OF GOD! THAT GOSPEL
DAYS! That true Gospel is not being preached by the Church
organizations NOW! That sounds unbelievable, I know. But it's
true. And the time has come when the stark TRUTH must be realized
---when we must comprehend the real mission to which God has called
us! Jesus Christ said this GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached
in all the world for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS, just before the