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Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona, 85702
Aloft out of Bangor
June 8, 1979
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
I'm in flight, just out of Bangor, Maine, where we cleared immigration and
customs. We had a very successful trip to Morocco and Tunis in northwestern
Africa. I had never been to either Morocco or Tunisia before. At Tunis, I not
only met many V.I.P.s, including ambassadors from other countries, but many
high in the government.
We met and picked up some of my "Japanese sons"--members of the Japanese
Diet--at Paris, had a visit with the Prime Minister at Rabat, Morocco, and in
Tunis. There was a large banquet in my honor at Tunis, at a resort hotel on the
Mediterranean shore. Congressman Yamashita, leader of the Japanese party and
the Japanese Ambassador, spoke briefly, with interpreters, and I gave them the
GOOD NEWS of the coming Kingdom of God, as the world's ONLY--and SURE--HOPE!
Brethren, a year ago God's Church was in very bad shape. Until my heart
failure in August 1977, I was away from Pasadena an average of 300 of the 365
days in the year, and my son assumed authority beyond that delegated to him.
Under him, God's Church, the Work, and the College, had been turned around until
actually it was scarcely GOD's Church any more. Everything was run as a
strictly secular and worldly organization. I was shut off. Any authority above
Garner Ted was shut off. Even leading ministers were personally threatened
that if they informed me of the state of things, and the way the Church was
drifting, they would be fired. When my son shut me off, he shut off all
authority above him--and that means the living HEAD of the Church, Jesus Christ,
and God the Father, were simply left out of all consideration.
Let me give you one example. A certain minister, in charge of a church
of around 250 or 300 members, was working to take his church to himself,
a new and different church.
This minister, quoting no Scripture, but speaking directly contrary to the
Scriptures, said, "If you don't want to tithe, you don't have to"' He was
you don't have to--but you will be stealing from God, and will be PUNISHED IN A
OF FIRE, instead of making it into God's Kingdom!
Tithing was not preached in general. Healing was discouraged--and WHY?
Because some ministers themselves were not converted, did not have God's Holy
Spirit, knew they were not fit to pray for the sick, and even if they did, God
wouldn't hear their prayers! Ministers--too many of them--were neglecting
in their own lives!
During the past year, what has happened?
I refused, dear Brethren, to be like Eli. Eli had two sons. Listen to
what happened when a man of God allowed his sons to do evil IN OFFICE: