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may now be unable to come. We must trust the Lord for whatever
outside ministerial help we have, if any. But if WE can all be
here together, I know the meeting will be a big spiritual success,
anyway. THE LORD WILL BE WITH US! It can be the most wonderful
meeting, from a spiritual standpoint, any of us ever attended.
In view of all the Scriptures, some telling us to DWELL, or
live, in tents or booths or cabins---others telling us at this time
to call a solemn assembly, meeting in THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, it
seems the way to do as the Bible says is for us to come and live in
cabins or tents near the Church, holding our meetings, or
assemblies, in the HOUSE of the Lord, our church building. We
should have morning, afternoon, and evening services. We must have
special young people's meetings, and plans for the children.
But the question now, is whether there will be enough of us
who will manage to come and remain here thru the Festival, to be
worth going ahead with it at all. We have looked forward to it a
long time. It is DOUBLY necessary now that war has started. We
never NEEDED it so badly as now. We are all in dire spiritual
need. Perhaps our salvation depends upon it!
If we go ahead with it, I must send out a general letter to
our brethren at Portland, Vancouver, Jefferson, and other points,
and to a number of our most interested radio listeners, urging them
to come. I'm sure several of our newer members at Portland and
Vancouver will come, if we can hold it. We need to come together
with them, get acquainted, and learn to know one another.
So I can know whether to go ahead with the plans, and send
out this letter, I am going to ask each of you to let me know, by
return mail, whether you will try to plan to come, and be in
regular attendance thru the Festival, from the first holy-day,
Thursday, September 28th, on thru the last holy-day, Thursday,
October 5th.
Will you please fill out the slip below, tear off, and
all decide we want to go ahead, and enough will come so we can, I
must send this other letter out AT ONCE.
Loma and I both send lots of love, and hope to see you again
Your brother and pastor,
Herbert Armstrong
Do you expect to be able to camp, or stay in a cabin, near
the Church for the entire Festival?__________. How many in family
will come?__________. If not, how many of the meetings do you think
your family will be able to attend? Morning meetings_______.
Afternoon meetings_______. Evening meetings_______.