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Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 431, Tucson, Arizona, 85702
February 18, 1980
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with CHRIST:
The world this minute stands on the very brink of the FINAL NUCLEAR
WORLD WAR! There has never yet been a nuclear war! It could ERASE ALL
It won't happen. But we do need to know and UNDERSTAND the real
GRAVITY of the world situation AT THIS MINUTE!
For the past ten years it has appeared that God has been holding up the
progress of prophesied world events toward the "GREAT TRIBULATION" and
the final "ARMAGEDDON" at Christ's second coming. It had seemed that many
of these climactic events in the world should have begun by 1972. But God
will not hold them up forever. It appears now that things are happening much
faster toward the grand CLIMAX at the CLOSE of this age.
The whole world stands poised, now, for these major climactic world
Of SPECIAL INTEREST to you and me is the question of whether these
events involving the U.S.S.R. will prevent the fulfillment of my official
from the Kremlin to visit Soviet leaders in Moscow. More of that later, but
let me say here that if President Carter does not take action to PREVENT--
if that door which CHRIST has opened is still open, I SHALL GO!
Where is this world at the moment?
For more than 100 days the U.S. has been so absorbed with the plight
of the 50 hostages in Iran, the government has not realized that the REAL DANGER
has been Russia all the time. Of course the R E A L D A N G E R is something
else of which the Washington politicians are still unaware. Yet it is now
President Carter warned the Soviets against invading Afghanistan. He
called Mr. Breshnev personally on the HOT LINE! Breshnev considered Mr.
Carter to be a weak president who would do nothing. Soviet troops, up to 100,000
or more, poured into Afghanistan.
Mr. Carter began to do something. He put a grain embargo against Russia
into effect. He threatened to boycott the Olympic games, scheduled to be
held in Moscow this summer. To the Russians these games are a big government
project. All other countries may enter only AMATEUR athletes. In Russia the
system is different. The government runs EVERYTHING, even athletics. Though
the Soviets call their athletes amateurs, they are actually in government employ
and in real fact are PROS! Then Mr. Carter set a deadline for boycotting the
Olympic games--February 20.
Washington has gotten a resolution through the United Nations against
Russia. But they laugh at that wrist-slap. Nothing but equal or stronger
FORCE speaks their language! Sanctions, resolutions--they laugh at!