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of the Church (Eph. 5:23)--not the California attorney general. The Church
is SUBJECT UNTO CHRIST (Eph. 5:24)--NOT to the California attorney general!
Jesus Christ built His CHURCH on the FOUNDATION of the apostles
and prophets, JESUS CHRIST Himself being the chief corner stone (Eph. 2:20).
What is the function, PURPOSE, great commission of the Church? Jesus
said, "Go ye into ALL THE WORLD and preach the Gospel" (Mark 16:15).
The California attorney general--in a political and elective office by
of the people of ONE STATE ONLY--contends he ought to own, possess, direct,
manage the CHURCH--ALL CHURCHES IN CALIFORNIA--supervise their
expenditures of money.
Now suppose the California attorney general had been managing this Church
and its Work from the foundation of the present era of it--now called the
WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. What would have happened?
It started in Eugene and Lane County, Oregon. It started with 19 members--
mostly new converts from a six-weeks' six-nights-a-week series of services
I held in a 36-seat one-room country schoolhouse 8 miles outside Eugene.
But, had the California attorney general been managing and directing
it and all financial expenditures, he would have delegated just as he tried to
do on January 3, 1979--the actual management and expenditure of funds to
the Honorable ex-Judge Steven Wiseman--appointed receiver of the WORLDWIDE
Immediately--January 7, 1934--Jesus Christ opened the door of radio
for me to start going into all the world proclaiming Christ's Gospel ON RADIO.
The cost was then $2.50 per weekly broadcast. But Judge Wiseman would have
had to decide whether to spend that $2.50 per week. Now actually we in that
fledgling church did not have the $2.50 per week to allocate. The very little
membership in 1934, at the very depth of the century's worst depression, was
able to pledge only $1.35 per week for the broadcast. The other $1.15 per week
had to be allocated ON SHEER FAITH. And it was contrary to our Church policy
to REQUEST FUNDS ON THE AIR or in any way to solicit the public for that
$1.15 per week!
Now the Honorable Judge Wiseman was reared in the Jewish faith, certainly
not to his discredit. However, those reared in Judaism KNOW NOTHING OF
though it is, has never accepted Jesus Christ nor His Gospel message! Would,
then, the living Jesus Christ, the HEAD of this new fledgling rebirth of God's
Church, have entrusted decisions and management of His great commission
to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD and proclaim that Gospel to a man who by life-long
religious training does not BELIEVE in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus
The Work grew. By traveling to Des Moines, Iowa, I was able, almost
10 years later, to buy time on 50,000-watt Radio WHO. Would the attorney
general's receiver, Judge Wiseman, have approved and allowed that expenditure?
We received requests for free literature from ALL 48 states of the continental
United States from that station. The Work grew. In due time we were purchasing