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tremendous world-wide commission to which we have been called! But
it's still DAY--we still are privileged to work, tho the night when
NO MAN CAN WORK for God draws swiftly down upon us!
Over 1900 years ago Jesus Christ came into this world with a
Message direct from GOD. His Message was the GOOD NEWS (Gospel)
of His coming WORLD GOVERNMENT to abolish all present governments,
to rule the whole earth, and bring, at last, PEACE, PROSPERITY,
HAPPINESS, JOY, to sin-cursed suffering humanity.
He proclaimed Himself the future KING of that world-ruling
Kingdom of God. He revealed plainly WHY we have no peace today--no
real happiness or joy! The ways of God are the TRUE values. But
men are living wrong. Jesus taught men how to live--revealed and
taught the LAWS of His coming millennial Kingdom. He called on men
everywhere to REPENT of the ways they live now, to live by the laws
of God, to accept Him as Saviour, High Priest, and coming King,
that we might be converted--CHANGED by the power of God from
sinning mortal flesh into righteous immortal spirits.
Hundreds of years before the prophet Daniel was used of God to
reveal the future course of the governments of this world. After
Nebuchadnezzar's Chaldean Empire of his day, another kingdom was to
arise, stronger in military power, but inferior in character and
value. After this another third world-ruling kingdom--Alexander's
Greco-Macedonian empire. The was to come the strongest of all,
but the most degenerate--the ROMAN EMPIRE. After it lapsed into
apparent death, seven successive efforts at revival were to occur
in Europe--the last, by a union of ten dictators in modern 20th
Century Europe!
This last and final outgrowth of the Gentile babylonish system
centering in Europe we see developing over there today! Yes, TIME
IS SHORT! Daniel's prophecy of the 2nd and 7th chapters shows that
in the days of these kings and kingdoms, now struggling toward
revival in Europe, the Second Coming of Christ is to occur--all
these and all other governments on earth are to be destroyed, and
thru Christ the God of Heaven shall set up a world government that
shall rule on earth FOREVER!
Revelation 17 shows this Fascist system now emerging once more
shall fight against Christ at His coming--but they shall be
destroyed, and the Fascist system abolished forever! Then men
shall LEARN the true ways of God! Then God's Law shall go forth
from Zion! Then men shall seek to live by God's rules, and for the
first time in all history a LASTING PEACE SHALL DAWN!
THIS is the TRUE GOSPEL--the Good News of the Kingdom of God, its
Message of the right way to live, it's Message of redemption thru
Christ, and God's gift of eternal life! Yes, THIS is the KINGDOM
OF GOD which Christ revealed over 1900 years ago--THIS is the true