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NO FLESH SHOULD BE SAVED ALIVE! That could never have happened until
after the production of the hydrogen bomb, just 29 l/2 short years ago, since I,
YOU backing me, have been proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God into
all continents of the earth! That could only mean NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III!
But one thing more AT THIS TIME in the preliminary stages of the Great
Tribulation: It's in the very next two verses--verses 23-24: Not just false
proclaiming that JESUS is the Christ, but false CHRISTS, claiming that they,
themselves, ARE Christ! For the first time that IS NOW HAPPENING! Before me as
I write, high over the Atlantic Ocean, is a full-page advertisement from the
25, 1982, International Herald-Tribune and the same full page in the April 24
London Times, with a big-type headline:
It claims he is now hiding, but will come out boldly for the whole world
see by July 1 (this very year)! But these same two verses in Matthew 24 warn you
and me not to believe it! Someone is spending huge sums of money to promote
some false "Christ," for these full-page advertisements are appearing in leading
newspapers in capitals all over the world! They claim this false "Christ" will
a great TV show of himself--within about four weeks from now!
Now what will actually trigger the Great Tribulation? It will last
approximately 3 1/2 years--right up to the REAL Second Coming of Christ with His
eyes as flames of fire and His face shining as the SUN full strength for all to
Revelation 13 and 17, coupled with Daniel 2 and 7, say that a union of
NATIONS in the area of the old Roman Empire will plunge the world into THE
GREAT TRIBULATION! The Falklands' crisis is turning the other nations of
Europe against Britain. The uprising against Soviet domination in Poland can
easily lead to Poland, and such eastern European nations as Romania,
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and even Greece, joining in a union with Roman
Catholic nations in western Europe. The Eastern Orthodox Catholic church could
join with the Roman Catholic. The 10 nations of Revelation 17 will be
Co-workers, TIME IS RUNNING OUT on us! Satan is going to attack this
Work harder than ever! Yet this Work is GROWING. We receive from 6,000 to
11,000 telephone calls from every telecast. The PLAIN TRUTH circulation is now
climbing faster than any other magazine. Circulation is now around 4 l/2 million
copies per month, and we hope to pass FIVE MILLION before the year's end. It
now is one of the very FEW highest-circulation magazines in all the world.
Additional TV and radio outlets are being added all the time. But this Work MUST
NOW GROW EVEN FASTER! We must be financially able to survive in the new
attacks we know are coming by Satan through those human instruments he can
Christ's BRIDE must be READY to be changed instantaneously from mortal
to immortal at Christ's soon REAL coming! We must now put on the pressure as
NEVER BEFORE--sacrifice other wants and desires financially as NEVER