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April 18, 1984
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
THANK YOU, brethren, for the fine response to my previous letter
regarding the financial need at this particular season of the year. Once again,
it has been every year for the past four years, we have not had to borrow a
or more dollars at the bank in January, to be paid back in April. God has blest
through you members and co-workers, and supplied our needs without
borrowings, since the beginning of the 1980s. Far more, God's great Work has
been growing as never before.
I gave you some facts about the growth and size of the Work of God in my
letter a month ago. Let me now give you more exciting news.
This Work is the direct and one and only fulfillment of the prophecy of
Jesus in Matthew 24:14 for this very time: "This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be
preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the END
this world] come." The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is the ONLY true Gospel of
Jesus Christ. In the first 20 years of the founding of the true Church in A.D.
31, a
fierce controversy arose as to whether the gospel to be preached was the Gospel
OF Christ or a gospel ABOUT Christ. A false church rose up, teaching a gospel of
false prophets, ABOUT Christ. See II Corinthians 11:3 and verses 13-l5. Also
both Jude and John, writing in the 90s A.D., warned of false prophets already
changing the truth of the Gospel, and warning brethren to turn back to the true
faith once delivered to the saints. Also, Paul wrote the churches in Galatia,
A.D. 53, that they already had turned to ANOTHER gospel.
From that time on, a false gospel ABOUT Christ was preached in the name
of traditional Christianity, by which (Rev. 12:9) Satan deceived the whole
The true Gospel OF Christ--the same Gospel Jesus taught the first
and the original true Church, was not proclaimed to the world until the living
Christ, through me, began proclaiming it worldwide the first week in l953--100
time cycles of 19 years each, after Paul wrote they had turned to another
Now here's the additional GOOD NEWS! The PLAIN TRUTH magazine
carrying the true original Gospel OF Christ, the Gospel of the KINGDOM OF
GOD, is now going into EVERY NATION ON EARTH, except three-Laos,
Cambodia (where the Gospel is prohibited by Communist domination since the
Vietnam war), and one other small country, Cape Verde, with an entire population
of only some 300,000 people.