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expiration notices, and must voluntarily RENEW their names on the
mailing list or they will be taken off. This undoubtedly will
reduce the circulation of The PLAIN TRUTH a great deal--probably by
half, for the time being, but all who wish it enough to buy a
postage stamp to say so will remain on the list. But this plan
will reduce the expenses enough, I believe, so that we may hope to
get it re-established on at least a regular bi-monthly basis, and
then, after a few issues at most, I am sure we can again go up to
the full 16-page magazine.
God is permitting many problems, trials and tests, in the
conduct of His work. But He is delivering us out of them all--
His is going before, guiding, blessing, and giving us many precious
souls for our efforts as we go along! Several are being baptized,
as time progresses, hundreds awaiting the opportunity, many lives
being straightened out and CHANGED, many sick being healed, and the
GOSPEL is preached to the poor.
Co-Workers, the work of God stands AT THE CROSS-ROADS! It
is in it's greatest crisis. The fate of Ambassador College hangs
in the balance. We have not more than TEN DAYS to get STARTED on
the structural changes, or it will be TOO LATE to start the college
this year. The crisis is NOW! We are all going to answer in the
judgment for what WE do, each of us, as OUR part in this crisis,
NOW! God surely blesses those who serve Him well! NEVER has this
work so direly needed large and generous offerings of $1,000 and up
to MANY thousand dollars. Several of you are ABLE, if you permit
God to make your hearts willing. Lay up treasure in heaven, while
you may, and see how God blesses you for it! And, again, NEVER has
the need been so great so that the widows' mites will help so much
as now. Let each give as God has prospered and made possible,
generously, even at sacrifice, as you are able---and PLEASE RUSH IT
AIR-MAIL, in the enclosed envelope!
And let me close by saying that I know well it is THE
EARNEST AND BELIEVING PRAYERS of many hundreds of you who are
earnestly praying for this work constantly that is keeping it
In Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong