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Yet this catastrophe is sweeping on toward an
unsuspecting America with increasing momentum---and in a few years
it will STRIKE---suddenly, unexpectedly! "AS A SNARE," said Jesus,
will this SUDDEN DESTRUCTION come. Then it will be too late!
Listen, dear Co-Worker! To set your heart, your mind and
interest now in the pursuits of THIS WORLD, or THIS LIFE,---to
ignore this appeal, and this PRIVILEGE, to HELP TO YOUR VERY UTMOST
in the closing work of God---to figure that you can't afford to
spare anything now for God's cause because of OTHER worldly
interests---is to enjoy a fool's paradise, and find yourself
suddenly, when least expected, in just a few years, caught in the
snare of this on-coming DESTRUCTION!
COMING! Many of you NOW, are in financial condition to DO A LOT
MORE than you are doing for GOD'S CAUSE---to help me get out this
Message over the air, and in print---to help me train and prepare
talented, able, consecrated young men and women for THEIR part in
soon carrying this vital message to THE ENTIRE WORLD---into EVERY
One consecrated co-worker and his wife are mortgaging
their home in order to place a few more thousand dollars in this
mighty work that more millions may be warned! At first I shrank
from accepting money under such conditions---but when we remember
that in a few years NONE OF US will be living in our present
homes---EVERYTHING material we possess now will be swept away from
us, and we shall then be either in that haven of safety under God's
divine protection, or else dead or in slavery worse than death---
and when we consider further that this brother and his wife are not
deprived of their home, but merely PUTTING IT TO WORK FOR GOD'S
GREAT CAUSE, while they enjoy it and live in it, too---then it
appeared in a different light, and we could do nothing but accept
it, to use it for God's honor and glory. WHO KNOWS? perhaps this
one sacrifice on the part of this one man and wife may be the means
to bringing MANY precious souls not only under God's divine
protection in the TIME OF TROUBLE TO COME, but also into ETERNAL
LIFE in God's Kingdom FOREVER!
TIME IS SHORT! It is fast running out! Soon we shall
come to the time of the prophesied FAMINE OF HEARING THE WORD OF
THE ETERNAL---the time when world forces will no longer PERMIT the
preaching of God's Truth!
No man can know exactly how long. This much we DO KNOW
---it is now NEAR, even at the very doors, according to prophecy
---it will strike DURING THIS PRESENT GENERATION---it cannot now be
more than A FEW YEARS;---yet, on the other hand, we may KNOW that
God will not permit this time of national disaster and world
destruction to fall UNTIL our nations HAVE BEEN WARNED (and no
other voice is warning them), and UNTIL "this Gospel of the KINGDOM
shall be preached in ALL THE WORLD for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS,
and then shall the END COME!" BE SURE THERE IS ENOUGH TIME, if we
set ourselves full pressure to the task, and do our very utmost, at
any sacrifice. But there is no more than enough---not one single
day to waste.