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from Poland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania, have told me personally
how their countries were overthrown, crushed under the iron boot of
Russia, their people's farms, stores, and businesses taken from
them, their citizens made slaves! The world doesn't realize what
crimes Russia has committed! I have learned the inside TRUTH from
official sources first hand. I know well, and have had long
personal interviews with Sheik Haffiz Wabba, in charge of PALESTINE
affairs for the Arabs, and from interviews with him in San
Francisco and in London I know the Arab views on PALESTINE. Then
to learn the Jewish view first hand, I spent nearly an entire
afternoon in New York with the executive secretary of the world
Zionist Federation. In Washington, D. C., some weeks ago, I made
arrangements with an editor of one of the great weekly news
magazines having correspondents in all parts of the world, to send
me by special telegraphic report vital world happenings fulfilling
prophecy, not reported in magazines or newspapers---to be broadcast
the very following night on my WORLD TOMORROW program, Coast to
So you see MUCH of the most significant happenings FULFILLING
PROPHECY can be read only in The PLAIN TRUTH,---heard only on The
WORLD TOMORROW program! Newspaper men and radio commentators DO
NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND PROPHECY---and consequently cannot under-
stand the REAL MEANING of world events! Few, if any ministers or
speakers on PROPHECY understand world news, or have these vital
personal contacts and sources of inside information, or the twenty
years' professional experience as a magazine and newspaper writer
which provides the unique background of this work.
LOOK AT THE WORLD TODAY! In China, the battle rages. The
Reds are about to capture all China. Nothing short of a billion
dollars from the U.S. and sending American troops to fight Reds in
China can save China now. We cannot do that and save Europe too.
We can't do it without war with Russia---WORLD WAR III! That's why
Madame Chiang Kai-shek's desperate mission to Washington has
LOOK at Europe! We find ourselves now trying to revive and
help a Germany to RESIST RUSSIA which might have destroyed Russia
six short years ago if we had not then helped Russia to destroy
Germany! Do you think our politicians in Washington KNOW what they
are doing---KNOW what is prophesied---where their flip-flop foreign
policies are leading us? Underground in Germany, and throughout
Europe, a mysterious and dynamic movement is rising which will
ASTOUND and ROCK THE WORK in a few short years! Yet official
Washington is blissfully asleep to what is really happening! You
can know the truth and follow this breath-taking fulfillment of
For these terrible, yet exciting last days Almighty God has
raised up this work to shout to the world the last solemn warning
DAY OF THE LORD with its frightful plagues. This is GOD'S work,
and therefore it is conducted GOD'S WAY---different from any other
work, activity, or movement I know. IT HAS NOTHING TO SELL. We
proclaim the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it's a FREE Gospel of