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Box 111
Pasadena, California
June 1, 1949
Dear Friends and Co-Workers:
GREETINGS! At last The PLAIN TRUTH is ready to go to
I have some wonderful news for you. It will come as a
big surprise to most of you---and I'm sure, a very happy one. Some
very wonderful and fine things have happened, and are developing,
for the college, and for the great work of proclaiming Christ's
Gospel to all the world, sending the last warning Message to all
America, and the salvation of thousands of precious souls.
God is blessing this work beyond anything we even
imagined or hoped for one or two years ago. I have a big and happy
surprise for you about the college and its future. But there isn't
space to tell you in this letter. Just as soon as The PLAIN TRUTH
if off the press and mailed to you, I will try to send you a new
BULLETIN of several pages, profusely illustrated---so you can SEE
in pictures what I have to tell you. Great progress is being made.
Plans also are being made now soon to send out the WORLD TOMORROW
program over additional super-power radio stations. We hope soon
to have it on one of the great 50,000-watt New York City stations,
in addition to at least two other powerful stations covering the
Middle-West, and I am preparing now soon to have the program going
out every night in the year over one of the better Los Angeles
stations covering this great and fast-growing Southern California
section better than at present.
The other day a very active churchman from Alabama
visited us and Ambassador College. He has been investigating and
making contacts all the way across the country and he told me he
finds that ministers everywhere are almost universally listening to
"The WORLD TOMORROW" program, hundreds of them being helped by it.
All over the United States hundreds, converted thru this
great work of God, are awaiting baptism, and in just the next week
or two we plan to start sending out at least two of the four men
who are soon to tour the country, visiting and baptizing these
people. Already AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is bearing precious fruit---
for two of our students are now ready to start out in this
wonderful work. I only regret, that I cannot be hundreds of places
at once and visit all these dear people myself, but the very
purpose of the college is to train and prepare some of those whom
God has called to assist me actively in this way, and God has
provided us with consecrated and well-qualified men. I am
tentatively planning (the Lord willing) a speaking tour myself
along about next February or March, but I cannot leave personally
until then.
In my last letter I explained the battle I have been
having to get myself into the best physical efficiency for the
heavy responsibilities I must carry. It has been a slow and