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Box 111
Pasadena, California
July 14, 1949
Dear Co-worker for Christ:
It seems as if invisible powers have delayed this issue
But IT IS MAILED OUT AT LAST! It has taken more
persistent effort on my part than any number ever published. But
I believe it contains more TRUTH than any issue---perhaps than any
single magazine ever published---and perhaps that is why the
invisible powers of darkness seemed to oppose and delay it.
I believe you'll find it interesting---ENLIGHTENING! I
hope and pray it will be helpful and valuable to scores of
You simply can't realize HOW THIS WORK IS GROWING! ---how
amazingly God is blessing it!---what wonderful things are being
accomplished! I can't begin to tell you the story in this short
letter. I have SO MUCH, now, to tell you! As soon as I can
prepare it I want to send you a large, illustrated BULLETIN,
showing you in pictures what marvelous things God has been doing
for us---how the college is growing---the growth of our vast
listening audience---the unprecedented increase in The PLAIN TRUTH
circulation---the HARVEST OF SOULS now being reaped!
You'll have to be patient until I can get this written
and printed and mailed. I know it will thrill you! God has given
us now the large adjoining estate for the college, almost doubling
the college grounds---now approximately four acres of the MOST
BEAUTIFUL campus grounds anywhere in the world. This new property,
which we now own, is called "MAYFAIR." On it is a 26-room three-
story massive English-type building which is to become the "Student
Union" on the campus of Ambassador College. It will be the center
of social life of the students, and provide dormitory facilities.
At present it is under lease but the lessee is anxious to cancel
the lease and I feel that arrangements will be made so that we
shall have "Mayfair" available for living quarters for our students
beginning this coming September term. The only heavy payment ever
to be made on this property has been made. We have title. The
income for the property makes it self-sustaining, not a financial
liability. Isn't that marvelous?
While our student enrollment is very small---we are
perhaps about the smallest real liberal arts college in America,
but we believe the best---present outlook is for doubling the
enrollment this September. But the important thing is that EVERY
student now in the college is one I feel God has called and will
use in life-service in His work with us. Two of our men students
started a few days ago on a Coast to Coast baptizing tour---
visiting and baptizing as many as time permits of the hundreds
being converted by the broadcast and The PLAIN TRUTH and other
literature. I talked to them last night, long distance, from the