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send large payments immediately.
I'm simply at my wit's end! I've done my best. All my
staff have done their best. I've tried to make our family of
co-workers ÄÄÄof which you are oneÄÄÄrealize the SERIOUSNESS of the
situation. Some of our co-workers have been doing MORE than their
part, at great sacrifice, standing loyally with meÄÄÄGOD BLESS
THEM!ÄÄÄand they have kept this great work alive to now. But MOST
of you co-workers have been growing more and more careless, perhaps
putting you own interests, desires, and pleasures AHEAD OF THE
KINGDOM OF GOD. This has caused the precious work of God to go
farther and farther behind. NOW WE'VE REACHED THE LIMIT! To go
any farther behind will mean the END OF THIS ENTIRE WORK!
And here we are at the MOST DIFFICULT MONTH OF THE YEAR!
Once again the Christmas shopping season is on usÄÄÄwhen people
customarily, supposing they are following the wise men in giving
gifts to Christ, FORGET ALL ABOUT CHRIST and His precious workÄÄÄ
when they take the money they might send for His work other months,
course those who know the truth know this trading of Christmas
presents is PAGAN, not ChristianÄÄÄstarted by that ancient Queen of
Babylon, the original "Queen of heaven" condemned in God's Word.
Yet if you still follow the custom don't you think CHRIST ought to
head your list, with the biggest, most generous gift of all, for
HIS work?
I thought we faced the most serious crisis in the history
of the work just a year ago. BUT IT LOOMS UP AS EVEN MORE SERIOUS,
We have simply got to have a great overwhelming response
once againÄÄÄanother MIRACLEÄÄÄto save this precious glorious work!
So once again, LISTEN CAREFULLY, please! Always it is
the small FEW of our co-workers who really love their Lord and
Saviour, whose hearts He has softened and made willing, who must
come to he rescue with EXTRA LARGE, GENEROUS offerings, according
to your means. I know that for some $35 or $50 is a very generous
gift for their Saviour and His work. Yet many can give that much
or more, if your hearts are willing. Some can, if willing to let
it go into the Lord's work, send $200, or $500 or more. Not very
many probably can send one, or two, or five thousand dollarsÄÄÄand
it is, I know MUCH HARDER to make yourself willing to part with
such a sum, and give it over to your Saviour who gave HIMSELF for
you, and let it be used in His workÄÄÄyes, maybe you need to go
into a room and lock the door and PRAY ABOUT ITÄÄÄbut in past
emergencies some few have done this, and saved the workÄÄÄand the
very fact that so few CAN, or are willing, makes it a thousand
times more necessary for YOU, if you can, to do it! God has
abundantly blessed all who have made such sacrifice for Him, and He
will you. Very soon, now, WORLD WAR III will strikeÄÄÄvery soon,
what great good it can doÄÄÄEVERY DOLLAR PLACED IN THIS WORK
CARRIES THE PRECIOUS GOSPEL, as near as we can estimate, TO TWO
THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! Think of the vast number of people WHO
WILL NOT BE WARNEDÄÄÄwho may never hear God's precious Message in