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Analyses Today's News, with the
Box 111, Pasadena, California
The P L A I N T R U T H
December 14th, 1950
Dear Friend and Co-Worker:
I do thank you, ---and may God specially bless
you---for the generous offering (or tithe) which I gratefully
You know how Jesus summed up the very principle of
worth-while, happy, and Christian living when He said, "It is more
blessed to GIVE than to receive." We here are thankful for the
blessing of receiving this money so that with it we may carry the
precious Gospel Jesus preached to additional THOUSANDS who might
never hear it other wise. But yours is the greater blessing.
I feel that you and I both should go to a place of
prayer, and sincerely and earnestly THANK GOD that He has chosen
us, and granted us the very great privilege and honor of working
together IN HIS OWN PRECIOUS AND WONDERFUL WORK. It's not only the
most important activity on earth, it is the most valuable, and the
most joyful.
If only people really KNEW God's way of life, really
knowing Jesus Christ as living Saviour and High Priest, and the
blessedness of constant direct contact with God as our Father, how
happy they would be! Here on Ambassador College campus we are
seeing that truism really and practically demonstrated. So often
visitors are heard to remark about the happy, smiling faces of
students and staff around our buildings and grounds. It's really
a fore-taste of the Kingdom of God, and it is a beautiful
atmosphere indeed. No wonder, then, our students are showing such
amazing development and improvement, evidencing such vigor and
enthusiasm and zeal. Next spring three of them graduate---two of
them young men now experienced and effective speakers who will go
out full time into the work. Five more will follow the next year.
You have helped, perhaps more importantly than you
realize, to make this marvelous progress in God's work possible,
and this preparation for the future. What is here, at the college,
being wrought in the hearts and lives of these God-called students
(disciples) ill soon start spreading thru their labors into the
minds and souls of hundreds and thousands. I want you to know,
that the realization may bring you deep satisfaction and joy.
This has been proving our most difficult December in
years. People are spending more exchanging Christmas presents back
and forth, and giving less to Christ for His work than before. So
your own faithfulness and sacrifice has been especially needful,
and it give me courage to feel sure you will continue to stand