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could start sending in LARGER AMOUNTS than you have been? We are
entering our real period of TEST. The question now is whether,
with the days growing longer and radio reaching out a little
poorer, we can keep enough dollars coming in each day to keep us on
the air!
We DARE not slacken, or drop back. Instead, the work now
must LEAP ON AHEAD, increasing gradually and steadily in power. We
do not plan to actually begin broadcasting in Europe this yearÄÄÄ
just now laying preliminary plans, which must be made far in
advance. But, God willing, we do hope to open the campaign in
Europe full blast by NEXT year!
Yes, dear Co-Workers, the work now needs more money. It
faces a supreme testÄÄÄthe great crisis of its history so far. We
won't expand it too rapidly. But it must keep GOING, and growing!
THAT IS YOUR PART, WHICH GOD LAYS ON YOU! Pray earnestly over it.
See if you can't find a way to send in a really LARGE amount. See
if you can't increase your regular offerings. GOD WILL BLESS YOU!
You are thereby LAYING UP TREASURE IN HEAVEN, for all eternity!
are helping CHANGE THE WORLD! Yes, you have your partÄÄyour
responsibility! God bless you, I know you'll be willing to make
the sacrifice for ChristÄÄÄto do your utmost!
Sincerely, and URGENTLY, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong