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of all books, the Bible. If it is God's will I will receive your
mail. Thanking you in advance, and assuring you of my continued
listening, I am , Yours faithfully." A Polish Medical Doctor. Name
and town must be withheld for his protection.
I hope that letter gives you the same spontaneous thrill of
joy it did me, and others here at headquarters.
And now here's the latest news of progress in the work.
THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers---all of you who took to heart what I
said in my last letter, and who PRAYED with me that the doors of
the great station WLS would open to us for every night broad-
God heard and answered our prayers! The program now is in
its SECOND WEEK of every night broadcasting over this super-power
station in Chicago---every night except Saturday, and the full
seven different programs every week. WLS releases the regular
Sunday Network program at the regular Network time, 11:30 AM for
the Central time zone. Then Sunday night at 8:30, Central Time, a
different program is broadcast over WLS, and Monday thru Friday at
10 PM Central time.
Letters are pouring in from almost all parts of the United
States from these week-night broadcasts over WLS---even from Los
Angeles---from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Texas, Manitoba and
Ontario in Canada, besides Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and all the
Middle-West states. Most of these are from NEW listeners, but many
letters are coming also from old listeners who live too far away
from XEG or XELO for strong and clear reception, and tho, because
they are closer to Chicago, are now getting the program over WLS
strong and steady and clear.
I want you Co-Workers to realize what this means. Because
the Federal Communications Commission has licensed many new U.S.
stations in the past few years, in various parts of the country,
which are on or close to the same wave-length as XEG or XELO, these
great Mexican stations now have more interference than formerly.
These Mexican stations are heard with good strong reception in most
sections of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
Louisiana and Mississippi. But when we get farther north, into the
great states of Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, even Tennessee
and Kentucky, and all the states north of these, and north-east,
listeners complain of poor reception, interference, fading,
squealing, etc. It is in these states that WLS now gives listeners
good strong and clear listening.
Because of the territory it covers, XEG has given us far
more listeners than any other station until now. In a sense, it
has been the back-bone of this entire work. But the manager of XEG
told me, when he heard we were probably going on WLS every night,
that it is the one and ONLY station on the North American continent
that will give us MORE listeners, and bring us MORE mail, than XEG.
Here's another VITAL point I want our Co-Workers to under-
stand. In the past three years Television has cut into radio until
radio sets are being listened to only by about 40% as many hours