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most VITAL news I have to give you at this moment. Every-night
broadcasting at the best available time on such super-powered
stations with such vast audiences COSTS A LOT OF MONEY. Of course
they are WORTH it. The most effective way---the cheapest way we
can reach large masses of people with Christ's Message is by EVERY
NIGHT broadcasting over these largest, most powerful stations. It
is very low-cost---per thousand people reached. But it does reach
SO MANY hundreds of thousands that it costs a great deal of money.
I have started every-night broadcasting on WWVA on sheer faith.
There is no doubt whatever in my mind that God opened this door.
In just two months the people hear as many broadcasts, six nights
a week, as they do in whole year on a Sunday-ONLY program. And
people become MUCH MORE INTERESTED when they can hear the program
EVERY NIGHT, just as most of you did.
So here's what this means: It means another TIGHT SQUEEZE
and need for you Co-Workers to sacrifice and send in every dollar,
or hundred dollars, or thousand dollars, that you possibly can for
another three or four months. It means that THOUSANDS of those who
have started listening in the past year on the Network in the
eastern and New England states can NOW for the first time hear the
program EVERY NIGHT. It means reaching about HALF of the
population area of the United States, which we never reached before
the Network, can now hear the true Message EVERY NIGHT. Just think
what that means! IT'S TREMENDOUS! As I have been telling you for
many months, all this additional radio power is now bringing in new
Co-Workers---but these latest additions mean a continued financial
tight squeeze for another three or four months.
Co-Workers, I have to ask you to RESPOND, more generously
than ever---to STAND WITH Me, and to continue loyal and faithful,
to the very limit of your ability. Time is growing shorter every
day. Every week that passes means we have one less week left in
which to FINISH the work God has given us to do. We must LEAP
FORWARD with God's Work!
Customarily the last half of January means a falling off in
tithes and offerings received at headquarters for God's Work. This
month we DARE NOT have a falling off. KEEP ON PRAYING! I ask you
now, before you lay this letter down, to go to a private room and
close the door, and in private PRAY EARNESTLY for this work, and
for me, and for all our other Co-Workers. I ask you Co-Workers to
PRAY for one another, that you will not become lax or slack in your
great responsibility for YOUR part in God's work. I ask you to
spend more time in earnest prayer than ever before, and to keep it
MANY OF US, to tempt us to grow careless and lukewarm, and slacken
in our zeal, our willingness to sacrifice and go without things we
have wanted, in order that there may be more money for God's
precious Work! Once again, I have to ask you---send in by return
mail, or at the very earliest possible, the largest amount God has
made possible---whether that largest amount is only a dollar or
two, or whether it may be several thousand dollars. Put generous
OFFERINGS into God's work, beside the tithe---the TENTH or your
income which belongs to God for His work. Please, now, GO AND PRAY
FIRST. And keep on praying, and send in your tithes and offerings
AS OFTEN as possible. GOD BLESS YOU RICHLY---as I know He will!