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continuing RADIO! Then, after three months, we can cancel out
enough RADIO expense to pay TV costs.
THAT'S the crisis bottle-neck we face. THE VERY LIFE of
the work of GOD depends on it! THAT'S the mountain we have to
hurdle! It's going to require several thousand dollars EXTRA,
immediately,--and for some months to come---to make this CHANGE-
OVER from Radio to TV!
we should fail in this, God's precious work---the most important
activity on this earth---would go down, and down,---and DIE!
NOTHING, now, but SUPERHUMAN EFFORT on YOUR part as well as mine
can save the work! It's going to take MORE than the very largest
offerings you can possibly send in, even at great sacrifice. It's
going to take EARNEST PRAYER---yes, FASTING and prayer---more in
earnest than ever before, that God will move powerfully on the
hearts of those who are able to put into God's work at this crisis
hour large SPECIAL offerings of from one to five or more THOUSAND
dollars! SOME are able! PRAY for them, dear Co-Workers, that God
will make them WILLING!
And IF EVER we needed a complete DELUGE of widows' mites,
that time is RIGHT NOW! THIS IS OUR SUPREME TEST! God has not
failed us---we must not fail HIM! Put your WHOLE HEART into this.
It's our SUPREME OPPORTUNITY, as well as our supreme TEST!
With ALL THE ENTHUSIASM AND ZEAL in our being, let's now
press on to our GREATEST VICTORY since God started His last work
for this Age thru us! God bless you, dear Co-Workers!---somehow,
by faith, I KNOW you're going to respond as NEVER BEFORE, and God's
work will now BURST AHEAD on this NEW ROAD God has opened to a
world-wide POWER and IMPACT such as we never dreamed would be
possible! Please RUSH your most liberal possible offerings, AIR
MAIL---now, and as often as possible. THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS
Your fellow-servant in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong