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$12,000--and in just two more days we have to send the Behlen
Company another $18,000.
The Behlen Company called me the other day by long distance
telephone. IF we will keep up the $18,000 monthly payments, they
are willing to begin the new construction, making the tabernacle
half again bigger than it now is, IMMEDIATELY, or about the first
of April. The present building will not be paid out until July--it
may even take part or the August payment to pay it off completely.
We would not even begin paying anything on the new ADDITION until
in August. The new addition will cost around $200,000. The Behlen
people have so much confidence in us that they are willing to
extend this big additional loan, WITHOUT SECURITY, if I tell them
we can keep on paying the $18,000 payments every month.
BUT CAN I TELL THEM THAT? I have to decide within two
weeks. This is a MOST UNUSUAL advantage and opportunity to finance
what we need so badly. THINK OF IT!--not even a mortgage on our
property! No one else would go ahead and build it for us on such
wonderful terms.
If we DON'T build this addition, the indication is that
1,000 members of the Church will come and be unable to get into the
Tabernacle for the services! Are we willing to let that happen?
GOD COMMANDS US TO BE THERE! Can we let a thousand obey that
command, and come, and then be turned away, unable to get inside
the tabernacle for the services? THIS IS A VITAL NEED!
Brethren, this month of March MUST TELL THE ANSWER! We did
contribute a SPECIAL and EXTRA $15,500 in January, and $20,000 in
February. IF we can keep that up in March, then I feel we are safe
in going ahead agreeing to keep on paying $18,000 a month to Behlen
for another year. But if we drop back down to $12,000 this month,
as it now looks like we are doing--I JUST CANNOT ASSUME THIS
Mr. Behlen has confidence in me, personally. I have to
sign the agreement to pay, making me personally responsible, as
well as the Church. All in the world I have is our home and our
automobile. I do not have money to pay it if all of us, as
members, fail to send it in. Now I DO try to set the example.
Mrs. Armstrong and I, and all the ministers, do pledge and pay in
every month a goodly portion of our salaries. We have denied our-
selves, and made real sacrifices to do our part very liberally,
setting an example. But that is all we can do.
Brethren, WE MUST NOT FAIL! We must try to do MORE than we
planned, or pledged. I believe all of you--surely nearly all--are
sending in all and more than all you pledged. God bless you for
or be unable to seat all our new brethren coming to the Festival
next October!
On our recent trip east we were in Dallas, and had a
personal interview (Mr. Roy Hammer and Buck Hammer, Ted Armstrong
and myself) with the official of the investment bankers who are