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Western Europe is becoming more and more uneasy--less and less
confident they can rely on United States' power for their
protection. This giant factor is starting the nations of western
Europe more and more toward uniting for their common protection.
Meanwhile the six-nation Euromart is capturing WORLD TRADE.
Germany, Italy, France, and other nations have launched a gigantic
world TRADE WAR.
This, too, is war!
The prophecies say this new European combine will revel in
unprecedented PROSPERITY! First is to come this economic upsurge,
quickly followed by political and military union. That economic
upsurge is already underway!
These nations are offering the world low-cost goods. Their
workers really work--early and late! They PRODUCE! They are
becoming more and more mechanized. In mass production they are
beginning to match the United States. But, although America has
mass production, America also has UNION LABOR HIGH WAGES. Americans
have automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines, T.V. sets.
Europeans--especially the working classes--do not have these
luxuries. They live on a scale equal to about 35% or 40% of
America's average income. So American goods are high-cost goods.
German, Italian, Japanese goods can be sold in world markets for
some 40% under American prices, and still leave thick profits for
their fast-growing industries.
Do you see what this means? It means that in other nations
around the World people are now starting to buy German, Italian,
Japanese goods. American factories are LOSING gradually, their
foreign markets.
Even in America, millions today are buying Volkswagens, German
and Japanese cameras, German typewriters. So many millions of
Americans are buying the smaller foreign cars that this trend has
revolutionized the American automobile industry. Detroit now is
trying desperately to stay in the business by turning out compact
cars. They are trying to compete, if they cannot beat foreign
prices, by offering slightly more room, better design or
engineering advances. Meanwhile they are taking advantage of the
trend by shortening and making smaller, little by little each year,
even the larger and more expensive cars. In other words, they are
having to resort to offering consumers a little LESS at slightly
higher prices, to make up for losses to foreign competition!
AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS! It means our days of prosperity
are LIMITED and soon will rapidly decline! A nation CANNOT CONSUME
in luxury more than it produces!
American unions have constantly preached the gospel of giving
less labor production for MORE PAY. Up to now, American labor has
been able to work increasingly shorter hours, giving it gradually
less and less effort, yet drawing higher and higher wages--and
constantly increasing the standard of living--able to afford more