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Have a Happy Marriage
Couples tell each other, "I love you." Most men and women
probably really feel they do love their mates.
But many do not understand. Love is interpreted as a
feeling or emotion toward a member of the opposite sex. It
often is how many teenagers think they feel in the early years
of dating.
Love, they think, is the feeling of excitement for that
"special" person. Funny thing is, most young people experi–
ence that feeling of "love" three or four or even more times
in their teens and early 20s.
After each experience they admit they did not really love
the other person. It was just "puppy love." Or infatuation.
Unfortunately, far too many have not grasped that the
love they think they have for their mates is the same insub–
stantial infatuation.
Real love has to include complete and total concern for
the other person without regard to one's own feelings.
not alone that excited feeling of physical attraction.
When a couple ties together the romantic attraction, the
deep feeling of care for the other person and the sharing
together of their time, emotion, feelings and concern, they are
building the foundation for a truly happy marriage.
So, can you have a happy marriage in an unhappy world?
Yes. You certainly can.
And if you haven't been as happy as you want to be, start
now to build the spiritual value of love into your marriage.
In prayer, ask God to give you and your mate that kind of
love reflected by God himself.
Then do those things together that will build happiness
into your life. Make your mate not only your lover, but your
best friend.
You will then defy the statistics and be among those who
have found the way to a truly happy marriage.