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What God Says About Your Sex life
tude-and hence the thoughts and finally actions of
of us.
The bombardment is torrential.
Pornography by Deceit
Still another of Satan's methods of deceiving the world
about sex might be called "pornography by deceit." Included
in this category are areas
that on the surface may not
seducing of the eye
clearly violates God's
instruction that we
"flee sexual
appear to be sex-related at
but in reality are laced
with illicit, lustful actions
and attitudes.
One good illustration of
this category is music. Some
songs-whether rock, coun–
try, pop or easy listening–
may be pleasant ballads or
humorous anecdotes. But,
more and more, the underly–
ing message of many of these
songs is sex-anywhere, at
any time, with anybody.
And remember, this music is on your home stereo or
your car radio, and in the restaurants in which you eat. Your
children do their homework by it and unconsciously imbibe
the message of sexual promiscuity that these songs proclaim.
This music affects your society, your family, your children–
and you.
Your attitudes, thoughts, moods and sexual point of
view and outlook are manipulated by this type of thing.
Another type of "pornography by deceit" is the example
set by the people around us-including sometimes, sad to
say, our friends and relatives, who simply traffic in all types
of illicit sexual practices. As we see them literally romping
from wife to lover and back, or as we view major sports
figures, political people or entertainment personalities hop–
ping from partner to partner-always with impunity and an
implication that what they are doing is fun-our values
become affected. We, if we are not careful, can become
deceived by the outward, temporary "pleasure" of promiscu–
ity and decide that such actions "aren't that bad after all."