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Had so far forth obtained the favour that we shew toward every nation, as that he was called
our father, and was continually honoured of all the next person unto the king.
But he, not bearing his great dignity, went about to deprive us of our kingdom and life:
Having by manifold and cunning deceits sought of us the destruction, as well of Mardocheus,
who saved our life, and continually procured our good, as also of blameless Esther, partaker of our
kingdom, with their whole nation.
For by these means he thought, finding us destitute of friends to have translated the kingdom
of the Persians to the Macedonians.
But we find that the Jews, whom this wicked wretch hath delivered to utter destruction, are
no evildoers, but live by most just laws:
And that they be children of the most high and most mighty, living God, who hath ordered
the kingdom both unto us and to our progenitors in the most excellent manner.
Wherefore ye shall do well not to put in execution the letters sent unto you by Aman the son
of Amadatha.
For he that was the worker of these things, is hanged at the gates of Susa with all his family:
God, who ruleth all things, speedily rendering vengeance to him according to his deserts.
Therefore ye shall publish the copy of this letter in all places, that the Jews may freely live
after their own laws.
And ye shall aid them, that even the same day, being the thirteenth day of the twelfth month
Adar, they may be avenged on them, who in the time of their affliction shall set upon them.
For Almighty God hath turned to joy unto them the day, wherein the chosen people should
have perished.
Ye shall therefore among your solemn feasts keep it an high day with all feasting:
That both now and hereafter there may be safety to us and the well affected Persians; but to
those which do conspire against us a memorial of destruction.
Therefore every city and country whatsoever, which shall not do according to these things,
shall be destroyed without mercy with fire and sword, and shall be made not only unpassable for
men, but also most hateful to wild beasts and fowls for ever.
The Book of
or The Wisdom of Solomon
KJV Bible