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for elocution than God himself; therefore he using divers words, in his holy writ, and indifferently
for one thing in nature: [see Euseb. li. 12. ex Platon.] we, if we will not be superstitious, may use
the same liberty in our English versions out of Hebrew and Greek, for that copy or store that he
hath given us. Lastly, we have on the one side avoided the scrupulosity of the Puritans, who leave
the old Ecclesiastical words, and betake them to other, as when they put WASHING for BAPTISM,
and CONGREGATION instead of CHURCH: as also on the other side we have shunned the
obscurity of the Papists, in their AZIMES, TUNIKE, RATIONAL, HOLOCAUSTS, PRAEPUCE,
PASCHE, and a number of such like, whereof their late Translation is full, and that of purpose to
darken the sense, that since they must needs translate the Bible, yet by the language thereof, it may
be kept from being understood. But we desire that the Scripture may speak like itself, as in the
language of Canaan, that it may be understood even of the very vulgar.
Many other things we might give thee warning of (gentle Reader) if we had not exceeded the
measure of a Preface already. It remaineth, that we commend thee to God, and to the Spirit of his
grace, which is able to build further than we can ask or think. He removeth the scales from our
eyes, the vail from our hearts, opening our wits that we may understand his word, enlarging our
hearts, yea correcting our affections, that we may love it to the end. Ye are brought unto fountains
of living water which ye digged not; do not cast earth into them with the Philistines, neither prefer
broken pits before them with the wicked Jews.
.] Others have laboured, and
you may enter into their labours; O receive not so great things in vain, O despise not so great
salvation! Be not like swine to tread under foot so precious things, neither yet like dogs to tear and
abuse holy things. Say not to our Saviour with the Gergesites, Depart out of our coast
neither yet with Esau sell your birthright for a mess of pottage
. If light be come into
the world, love not darkness more than light; if food, if clothing be offered, go not naked, starve
not yourselves. Remember the advice of Nazianzene, “It is a grievous thing” (or dangerous) “to
neglect a great fair, and to seek to make markets afterwards: also the encouragement of S.
Chrysostom, “It is altogether impossible, that he that is sober” (and watchful) “should at any time
be neglected:” [S. Chrysost. in epist. ad Rom. cap. 14. oral. 26.] Lastly, the admonition and menacing
of S. Augustine, “They that despise God’s will inviting them, shall feel God’s will taking vengeance
of them.” [S. August. ad artic. sibi falso object. Artic. 16.] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands
of the living God;
] but a blessed thing it is, and will bring us to everlasting blessedness
in the end, when God speaketh unto us, to hearken; when he setteth his word before us, to read it;
when he stretcheth out his hand and calleth, to answer, Here am I, here we are to do thy will, O
God. The Lord work a care and conscience in us to know him and serve him, that we may be
acknowledged of him at the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom with the holy Ghost, be
all praise and thanksgiving.
KJV Bible