© 2013 Church of God Faithful Flock
Divine Healing-"healing direct by a miracle from
ALMIGHTY GOD, as a result of believing PRAYER."
Letters from those in God's Church that have received DIVINE HEALING


I am writing this letter to tell you of my experiences in the last year, of God's mercy and the many times that He healed me.

I suffered a compound fracture of the left thigh bone. In order to set the bone and keep it in place, it was necessary to insert a metal rod inside the leg from the hip to just above the knee and fasten it at the break with two screws. A severe infection developed as a result of the operation. I stayed at home for three months when I had to return to the hospital for physical care. I had been anointed, and God healed me and stopped the infection just short of reaching the bone. If the infection had reached the bone, I would have been in very serious trouble.

While recovering from the infection, I contracted double pneumonia, and the doctor didn't have much hope for my recovery. Again I was anointed, being almost unconscious at that time. The next day, I was wide awake, and in another day or two, the pneumonia was practically gone. God had healed me again, almost instantly, and saved my life.

About a week before the pneumonia developed, I began vomiting on and off for days at a time. The reason was unknown. The doctor inserted a tube down my nose to continually pump out my stomach. The only nourishment I received was from intravenous feeding. After four weeks of this and many x-rays, the doctor said my stomach was very distended due to a blockage and felt that without an operation I would die. My wife and I chose to trust God and told the doctor we would never agree to surgery. We prayed earnestly for God to heal me and make it possible for me to attend the Feast of Tabernacles.

During this time, I was also healed of a blockage which prevented me from urination. Having diabetes, I was almost put into a diabetic coma on two separate occasions by the doctor. God prevented this from happening by guiding a nurse into my room shortly after I became unconscious....

A week after saying I would die without an oper¬ation and two days before the Feast, the doctor had more x-rays taken. They showed my stomach as completely normal. God, in His great mercy, had healed me and saved my life again.

The doctors could not believe what had happened. All they could say was, "unbelievable—fantastic—are you sure this is the same man—the same stomach?" My weight was now down to around 100 pounds. Being 6'4", I was skin and bones and extremely weak. At this point, I wanted to leave the hospital, but the doctors wouldn't let me, saying I was still too sick. So on Thursday, to the great dismay of the doctors, I signed myself out. Friday morning I was on my way to the Feast with much help from friends. During the Feast, the only way that I was able to get around at all was in a wheelchair.

My weight is now up to about 175 pounds and has been for the last two and a half months. I have been able to attend Sabbath services for four months.

This last year has been just unbelievable because of all we have experienced. It certainly has proved to me that God is extremely merciful and generous with us. I am thankful to Him for having called me into His great Work and for the tremendous blessing of being able to call on Him for healing and to know that He will heal according to His promise.